Why label Frank or any of us "foaming at the mouth" types for stating we do not like it when physcially assualted, spied on, being told to just shut up and "wait of Jehovah" instead of report it to the police when our kids and grandkids are molested by perverts whom every single elder complicitly is told to keep sending to people's doors worldwide if "judged repentant" by those same "good old boys."
You aren't about to shut us up. This is growing because Watchtower is exhorting its DOs and COs to it. They fear lawsuits that will take millions of dollars from them as well as their careers, loss of prestige in the community of Jehovah's Witnesses, and possibly doing time in jail or prison.
Since some of you left the elders have been told to get rougher with us. Don't kick on us when we are the victims. Bill Bowen has estimated that every fourth Kingdom Hall congregation probably has a sexual molestor in it. Watchtower stands to lose big time and wants our mouths shut up. Don't put yourself in the same boat as the criminals. We have a right to defend our loved ones.
It is best done by the light of publicity, but when we and loved ones are assaulted, then we have both the right as good citizens and Christians to put up a STRONG battle to overcome the wrongs. Let no one who reads this think that there are no elders and elder cronies who stoop to extremes anymore. I assure you our many voices are growing fast because of Watchtower fear.
Watchtower, you better look closer at what's going on in California, New York, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, Tennessee, Kentucky ... and everywhere. There just might be one or two decent Governing Body members who actually do love the organization and its better elements. If so, get yourself informed fast. Don't trust Ted Jarazc and the Service Desk as they aren't telling you everything. Have your DOs and COs put out word to back off our loved ones.