Black people are not a monolithic group of people, first of all. You seem to relate to them as such. A group of millions of people with differing demographics, histories, and situations, with completely different outlooks on life, who only share an outward skin color and varied shared experiences based on that skin color cannot be addressed as if they are an organized group of people under one banner.
Now, on the micro-end, as with an actual small community of people, or the individual, it's quite easy to see how someone would be jaded with politics.
JoinedPosts by Pacopoolio
Was justice served fairly in the Micheal Brown tragedy, whats your opinion ?
by Finkelstein inthe michael brown tragedy has garnered a lot of attention in the media recently highlighted.
by the recent county court decision to not indict the lone officer who did the shooting which caused the death of micheal brown.. .. now after more information of the event has been released openly to the public, we can evaluate upon are self.
in are own opinion toward was the law handed out in this particular event proportionately fair or to a professional standard ?.
Officer Wilson not indicted in killing of Michael Brown
by Simon inafter a thorough investigation and weighing of the evidence the grand jury has decided not to indict the officer.. the reaction so far seems as predicted - people refuse to accept that the result represents justice despite claims that is what they wanted.. there is now violence and vandalism, including gunshots.
let's hope the police contain the troublemakers.. .
I don't think malnourishment / poor diet are a significant contributing factor to the issue of violence related to the black community.
Malnourishment leads to a lack of mental development as a child. A lack of mental development leads to lowered reasoning abilities. This lessens computational ability in school. This lowers grades, education and knowledge taken in, and lowers the chances on receiving secondary education. People who do badly in school are more likely to commit a felony/end up in prison.
This is not a "significant contributing factor to violent crimes" but a completely unsourced "being told to blame the past for their problems" is?
Officer Wilson not indicted in killing of Michael Brown
by Simon inafter a thorough investigation and weighing of the evidence the grand jury has decided not to indict the officer.. the reaction so far seems as predicted - people refuse to accept that the result represents justice despite claims that is what they wanted.. there is now violence and vandalism, including gunshots.
let's hope the police contain the troublemakers.. .
the subject I'm studying isn't sociology or some other pointless couse.
Are you kidding me?
The point I was trying to make was that denying people agency, personal responsibility as you and others seem to do is counter-productive and doesn't help disadvantaged black people in the long run.
You don't fix large societal ills by punishment or playing the blame game on singular individuals. "Pointless" sociology classes teach that and back up the theories with hard math and data. You fix those ills by attacking and changing the starting factors. When someone screws up, you say "what caused this?" as opposed to pointing fingers at the person that screwed up.
If you don't think that helping society is important, then, yes, I can see why one would focus on personal blame on a consistent basis.
Officer Wilson not indicted in killing of Michael Brown
by Simon inafter a thorough investigation and weighing of the evidence the grand jury has decided not to indict the officer.. the reaction so far seems as predicted - people refuse to accept that the result represents justice despite claims that is what they wanted.. there is now violence and vandalism, including gunshots.
let's hope the police contain the troublemakers.. .
Are you suggesting that the MBs of this world are 'stupid due to malnourishment'?
Why are you changing a "an important factor in" to "the reason for?" and then adding a little emoticon on the end? You literally made a complete context shift there.
Officer Wilson not indicted in killing of Michael Brown
by Simon inafter a thorough investigation and weighing of the evidence the grand jury has decided not to indict the officer.. the reaction so far seems as predicted - people refuse to accept that the result represents justice despite claims that is what they wanted.. there is now violence and vandalism, including gunshots.
let's hope the police contain the troublemakers.. .
I was wondering if you were referring to anyone in the current discussion or not.
"Michael Brown was murdered because he was black" is an errant statement because it judges intent without enough information to properly judge it. I didn't see anyone state that in this thread (started halfway through), but if they did/do, they should be corrected on it. They are probably conflating micro with macro.Similarly statements that assume that large groups of people are personally responsible for their station in life (and subsequent choices) because they "didn't take advantage" of opportunities or similar are completely ignorant of the ridiculous numbers of microtransactions that happen in someone's life, outside of their control, that shapes the person they are. It's ingoring the big picture entirely.
Officer Wilson not indicted in killing of Michael Brown
by Simon inafter a thorough investigation and weighing of the evidence the grand jury has decided not to indict the officer.. the reaction so far seems as predicted - people refuse to accept that the result represents justice despite claims that is what they wanted.. there is now violence and vandalism, including gunshots.
let's hope the police contain the troublemakers.. .
Pacopoolio - are things such as bad diets really such important factors in all this?
I'm a student and therefore eat student food - it's all beans on toast, tinned tomatoes and 18p packets of noodles. Does this crap diet give me licence to swagger around like a bad-ass black dude, and b1tch-slap a punk-ass cop if I'm in a bad mood?
I suppose rich, upper class people, thanks to their comfortable homes, superior diet, polite manners, clean clothes and toothbrushes rarely experience depression and failure.
- Bad diets in early development limit learning ability and hurt brain development. Do you want a citation?
- Yes, a bad diet can affect your learning and reasoning ability at any stage of your life. And, as a student, and I'm guessing, younger, you should attempt to manage your diet as well as possible as you are probably at a point in time where you need to be on point as possible. There are good ways to get proper nutrition on a student budget/diet.
- What does "swagger like a bad ass black dude" mean - is there a particular way that black dudes that are bad ass swagger because of their race or something? Is b--- slap a punk a-- cop a quote or something? What are you talking about here, and what does it have to do with black people and food in particular? Are you conflating overall effects on wholes with individual actions?
- As proven by every possible statistic on the matter, people generally stay within the class they were born into outside of small outliers, and nutrition effects development, so, yes, a rich, upper class parent will most likely result in a rich, upper class child, just like the reverse, so "failure" is very uncommon (due to multiple layers of parachutes and opportunities that lower classes don't have). Upward mobility to a higher class is so rare as to basically be statistical irrelevance. What does this have to do with depression, which was not brought up anywhere? -
Officer Wilson not indicted in killing of Michael Brown
by Simon inafter a thorough investigation and weighing of the evidence the grand jury has decided not to indict the officer.. the reaction so far seems as predicted - people refuse to accept that the result represents justice despite claims that is what they wanted.. there is now violence and vandalism, including gunshots.
let's hope the police contain the troublemakers.. .
Exactly, some people want to say things happen for single, simplistic reasons - "because they are black" or "because it's a woman".
But who are the people making claims that things are happening simply because of skin color? If any holistic view is suggested then it's met with accusations and repetition of "race race race".
People that don't have much of an understanding of sociology or stats often confuse and conflate arguments about macro (wholes) with micro (individuals). That's also why they conflate individual success with questions of why large numbers or majorities don't equal that (and also not understanding basic statistics). It's exactly the same as the creationist debate with scientists in many aspects, again, due to lack of understanding of stats, time, or little research into the science involved.
Therefore, when making broad statements as "people making simplistic claims," you need a direct quote with context to counter a statement like that, because there's no way on the surface to tell whether it is a micro/macro conflation or misrepresentation of a quote or not (edit: on your end or theirs). What people are you referring to, here, so we can address their comments, specifically, as I don't know your level of research on broad human psychology and influences enough to be sure that you're relating the two correctly (you're welcome to state your background in this here to share - I never noted it before, and it would provide enough context so I could relate your experiences better)?
Officer Wilson not indicted in killing of Michael Brown
by Simon inafter a thorough investigation and weighing of the evidence the grand jury has decided not to indict the officer.. the reaction so far seems as predicted - people refuse to accept that the result represents justice despite claims that is what they wanted.. there is now violence and vandalism, including gunshots.
let's hope the police contain the troublemakers.. .
False. If this were really true, you would see businesses firing men left and right to hire women in order to realize a 30% savings on their highest expense - mainly wages. It is this type of ridiculous talk that feeds the issues in this thread. For some reason you can't see past social issues as the causes of everything. Everything stems from social injustice. Why can't you see other causes? In the case of this thread, for you MB was shot because he was black. In the case of women, well they are paid less because they are women. In reality, MB was shot because he attacked a police officer. And women are paid less because they leave the work force to take care of a family, or choose to go into a differing fields than men. Pay no attention that when you factor out life variables, women often get paid more.
This shows a complete lack of understanding of social conditioning.
There is no -one reason-. This is just basic, basic, basic sociology; first level classes.
AGAIN, there are a huge mix of conditions that create conditions like the wage disparity. A HUGE condition, that you completely seem to have missed, even though it's pretty obvious, is that, from a young age, girls are conditioned to be more meek and unassertive than males, combined with a double standard of women that act assertive as compared to males, that makes them less likely to demand higher pay and career advancement.This isn't high level stuff - it's just like people just completely ignore the conditioning and brain development that creates the adult, that happens from 0-16, and think that everyone shares the same privilege as themselves. This doesn't take college to understand, it's just dropping the ego, and realizing that what made you, you, is based on a combination of factors from the outside that hit you throughout your life, the most important, being in childhood.
Earlier in this and other threads, you have people making assertions like, "They were given horrible diets as children, stifling their brain development and screwing with their decision making, but why didn't they make the same choices as middle class white male, they had all the opportunities in the world!" -
Was justice served fairly in the Micheal Brown tragedy, whats your opinion ?
by Finkelstein inthe michael brown tragedy has garnered a lot of attention in the media recently highlighted.
by the recent county court decision to not indict the lone officer who did the shooting which caused the death of micheal brown.. .. now after more information of the event has been released openly to the public, we can evaluate upon are self.
in are own opinion toward was the law handed out in this particular event proportionately fair or to a professional standard ?.
I dont understand why this was blown up into this big of a deal.
That town had a history of police brutality. This instance was the tipping point, especially with three other cases of young black men getting killed around the country highly publicized. It wasn't just a one-off thing. It was a timing thing.
FINDING a logical way of seeing problems of RACE, RELIGION, TERRORISM
by Terry inhard questions lead to problematic answers.
"tricky, complicated, and controversial.).
emotions stem from values and values are personal.
Following the riot, 17 people were arrested, 6 police cars were damaged, over 16 fires had been set, two dozen were injured, and a Maryland state trooper was hit in the face with a plank. A night of bonfires, looting, drunken brawls, flying beer bottles and hundreds of troopers in riot gear caused roughly $50,000 in damages. Caused by....UofM football fans, 2002. What's unique, again?