I selected the first peer reviewed paper you offered to see if it supports your assertion that "black children under 10 are less likely to be viewed as children and less innocent as compared to white children"
Your source DOES NOT support your assertion.
For example, your cited source (above) offers evidence that children under 10 are seen as EQUALLY INNOCENT regardless of race!!!
Get your facts straight, and for goodness sakes READ your own cited sources before you have others spend time reading them for something they never say and, in fact, DISPUTE!!!
I obviously typed "under" as opposed to "over" by accident. Whoops.
You're going to ignore the entire quoted information that directly supports part of my assertion because of a mistype? Are you trying to share ideas and have a discussion, or do "gotchas" to look like you won an argument on the Internet?
You know, all of this information:
"Study 1 provides evidence that children may not be given the
privilege of innocence equally across race. From ages 0 –9, children
were seen as equally innocent regardless of race. However,
perceptions of innocence began to diverge at age 10. At this point,
participants began to think of Black children as significantly less
innocent than other children at every age group, beginning at the
age of 10. Interestingly, after the age of 10, the perceived innocence
of Black children is equal to or less than the perceived
innocence of non-Black children in the next oldest cohort. In other
words, the perceived innocence of Black children age 10 –13 was
equivalent to that of non-Black children age 14 –17, and the
perceived innocence of Black children age 14 –17 was equivalent
to that of non-Black adults age 18 –21."