"Impala: What are your intentions at this point? Would you like to continue your Bible study?
If so, you can simply tell them you were concerned about some comments made to you at the meeting. You could tell them you read the Watchtower lesson, and that it raised some red flags for you.
Pick 1 question from the current Watchtower, one that bothers you most... get them to examine the Bible with you, and show you a scriptural basis for the thing that is bothering you most.
Don't allow them to cherry pick verses out of context to justify their beliefs. I would NOT tell them you have been looking things up online, nor that you were communicating with ex-JW's. It sounds like you have a good relationship with these folks. Exposing the fact that you've looked at apostate information, will ruin your standing with them. You will no longer be one they can trust."
I'm not really sure what to do at this point. I love them, and the studies that we have are enlightening and fun. On the other hand, how can I trust someone who has withheld the truth. I have already told him that I have researched a website with this information and asked him questions about it. I dont know if that had anything to do with it, but he canceled this weeks study due to not feeling well.
I reached my posting limit, so I will not be able to respond to posts today.
"- But maybe, those JWs had another reason for not confronting you with such teachings: It could be, that they really enjoy the possibility to study with you just based on the Bible. It could be, that they do not want to "willingly withhold information", but that they enjoy studying the Bible with you, not based on Watch Tower Society's literature. It could help them to strengthen their relationship with God and to grow in understanding the Bible, themselves! They usually have no possibility to study "just" the Bible with other JWs. All their congregation studies, and usually private family studies too, are based on Watch Tower Society's publications. You wrote, that you "have developed such a wonderful friendship over the years." So why not to continue the study with them? It seems you do have a forceful personality and the ability to think descretely; so I would say that you are not in any danger if you continue your Bible study - intentionally not with the goal to become a JW. And such a rather independent Bible study might even help your JW friends (?), in the long run."
I certainly hope this is true, and I would really enjoy continuing with the study if we can do so without the influince of the congregation.
"It's a pleasure to read and study the bible. These folks may just enjoy THAT. Plus you are a gold mine for hours. If you averaged about 2 hours per study, that is perfect.
(Actually, they probably really care for you. You are a bright spot in their lives)"
They have certainly made a big impact in my life as well. As for the hours, normally it is about 4 hours.
"It may be that your Bible study conductors are "awake" JWs; i.e., they are aware of " the truth about the 'Truth' ," and know the shortcomings of the Watchtower organisation - but are (for some reason) unable to leave. They may not WANT to indoctrinate you in watchtowerisms, only holding to the Bible - for the sake of their own conscience."
They are very dedicated, that is for sure. He is an elder, and was born into the congregation.
to; Abible Student
Thanks for the movie link, I watched it in its entirety. It was very enjoyable and enlightening.