I watched carefully those who left through the 30+ years when I was a regular JW. I never once saw anyone who left become more "moral". Actually quite the contrary. Smoking, drugs, sex with same sex, fornication and drunken recklessness most times. Stack atheist on that moral morass.
I believe that the more surpressed a person is, the more they would go wild once they leave! JW's are a surpressed lot & it's not surprising that many who leave would experiment which various activities which they were forbidden to engage in before
However, the perspective of morals is something which is subjective. Smoking? I don't smoke myself, nor would I encourage it, but I won't go as far as saying that a person who smokes is not moral. Same thing with drugs & getting drunk. Homosexuality? You would have a different perspective if you were born differently. Sex before marriage? I see nothing wrong with that, just practice safe sex!
Anyway, from personal experience, the things you mentioned above do not apply to those who I've seen who left, except for the fornication part, which I don't believe is wrong. With regard to the things which the OP mentioned, I would say that they are DEFINITELY more more ethical / aware in that sense. I can speak as one of them! =)