Christians who Love Anthony Morris
Complete Lies And Madness
Complete Lunacy And Madness
Complete Lunatics And Morons
Christian Losers And Morons
for a while there i was confused as to what clam stood for .. ideas that crossed my mind .
christ left a ministry , or meeting .
children`s lives are mine .....( pedo`s in the borg ).
Christians who Love Anthony Morris
Complete Lies And Madness
Complete Lunacy And Madness
Complete Lunatics And Morons
Christian Losers And Morons
today's text:.
monday, january 25. to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.—matt.
25:40.. early in his discourse found in matthew chapters 24 and 25, jesus indicated that the sign of his presence would include a remarkable feature—the good news of the kingdom would “be preached in all the inhabited earth.” (matt.
Monday, January 25
To the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.—Matt. 25:40.
Early in his discourse found in Matthew chapters 24 and 25, Jesus indicated that the sign of his presence would include a remarkable feature—the good news of the Kingdom would “be preached in all the inhabited earth.” (Matt. 24:14) And just prior to talking about the sheep and the goats, he related the illustration of the talents. Jesus gave that illustration to stress to his spirit-anointed disciples, his “brothers,” that they must zealously engage in the preaching work. However, the small number of anointed ones left on earth during Jesus’ presence face an enormous challenge—that of preaching to “all the nations” before the end comes. The illustration of the sheep and the goats shows that the anointed would have help. Therefore, a primary way that those judged to be sheep show kindness to Christ’s brothers is by supporting them in the preaching work. w15 3/15 4:9, 10
Hmm... let us now consider the full text:
34 “Then the King will say to those on his right: ‘Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. 35 For I became hungry and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you received me hospitably; 36 naked and you clothed me. I fell sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you visited me.’ 37 Then the righteous ones will answer him with the words: ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and receive you hospitably, or naked and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 In reply the King will say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’
Obviously, Jesus was talking about acts of kindness toward others, NOT preaching! The lesson of the illustration of the talents is to use resources entrusted to you wisely so that you would not be held accountable, NOT natural talents given to you by God to be used in preaching as interpreted by WT! Preaching = salvation? Nope!!!
so thinking back about the times when someone has asked my wife what religion she is.
she sheepishly and seems almost embarrassed to say she is a jehovah witness.
when someone asks me, i just say i am a christian.
Curiosity killed the cat. It was a culmination of dissatisfaction, frustration, & other pent-up feelings that led me to scrutinize this religion more closely. It was then that I realized that things just didn't add up! For a while, I still tried to justify to myself that it was still "the truth", but that evaporated quickly. I can say that I woke up pretty fast (within months)
I quit service altogether quite abruptly. One day while out in service, my partner left me halfway to attend to something. I found myself standing dumbly in front of a door, and I just couldn't bring myself to knock on it without someone standing there besides me! That was when I realized that I couldn't do it any more! I am currently inactive for more than a year, with family still stuck in
P.S. - I am a born-in... never would have joined this stupid cult if I wasn't!
speaking with inlaws i another congregation today who said exactly what is being said in our own hall.
the trolly work is long and boring and no one even notices they are there anymore but walk right on by.
jehovah really is speeding up the work lol.
i was once a person who believed in god destroying 7 billion people so a few people could live in paradise.. when the penny finally dropped and i realised what as a jehovah's witnesses i was really praying for , it made me feel sick.
what is attractive about a person that prays for this world to end .
i was ashamed to have been a witness deeply ashamed .
The parent was saying to her child "wont it be wonderful when Jehovah brings Armageddon soon!!?"
Another witness in the group simply smiled and agreed and added "YES, I cant wait for every single person we see in front of us to drop dead, even that little child and baby over there. Which one do you want to see killed first?"
(Of course he was being sarcastic, he must have known TTATT)
Hey, I like this guy! Sounds like you are referring to yourself though. If not, whatever happened to him?
so thinking back about the times when someone has asked my wife what religion she is.
she sheepishly and seems almost embarrassed to say she is a jehovah witness.
when someone asks me, i just say i am a christian.
I was embarrased too, never really proud to be a JW. Especially during field service. I detested knocking on peoples doors, tried to talk to as few people as possible, & just couldn't wait until it was over! I would even look away when cars passed by, hoping that no one would recognize me. That was how embarrased I was!
today's text -.
sunday, january 24. they collected the fine ones into containers, but the unsuitable they threw away.—matt.
13:48.. understanding the lesson of this illustration helps us to avoid being overly distraught or disappointed if a bible student or one of our children does not make the truth his own.
We felt unsuitable when we were still attending. Why would we remain somewhere we are not wanted?
Same here. I was actually popular once, but after I learned TTATT & took a step back, things started to change. I quit field service altogether & my meeting attendance became irregular. I stopped initating conversations & waited for people to come & talk to me. Many didn't & those few who did usually had nothing of substance to say! It was awkward to the highest degree! "The truth" was the only thing which I had in common with those people, and once I stopped believing "the truth", everything automatically fell apart & I became unsuitable!
today's text -.
sunday, january 24. they collected the fine ones into containers, but the unsuitable they threw away.—matt.
13:48.. understanding the lesson of this illustration helps us to avoid being overly distraught or disappointed if a bible student or one of our children does not make the truth his own.
There is also this admonition to "avoid being overly distraught or disappointed if a Bible student or one of our children does not make the truth his own." Yeah. Because they are God's children too, and if Jehovah (being a God of love & the epitome of love) does not feel sorry about destroying his own children (non-wicked people who are simply not convinced that JW's have "the truth") at Armageddon, JW's with non-believing children should likewise not be distraught over the so-called impending destruction of their children either!
i was once a person who believed in god destroying 7 billion people so a few people could live in paradise.. when the penny finally dropped and i realised what as a jehovah's witnesses i was really praying for , it made me feel sick.
what is attractive about a person that prays for this world to end .
i was ashamed to have been a witness deeply ashamed .
It's the creators ballgame. He can do as he pleases. Hey and just maybe, if he did create all living beings and the universe he just may know what he is doing.
"maybe" "If he did create all living beings" "he just may know what he is doing"
As a believer, sounds like you aren't so sure yourself...
if jw`s come knocking at your door, do you open it & engage in conversation, tell them to sod off, or just not answer the door?.
my husband`s has asked me not to answer the door to them if he isn't here?
he hate`s the fact that they make a point of calling when they know he will be at work.