As a JW, I did fit in, but I didn't belong (like the picture above). I was oblivious to this as a kid & in my teenage years, but I realized this subsequently after leaning TTATT & when trying to fade. I DID NOT BELONG!
The only reason why I fit in was because I went along with everything & tried my best to do all that was required of me. Attended every meeting, went out in service regularly. Supported the congregation as a whole & helped individual members in various ways. Joined in congregational recreational activities, made friends with brothers + sisters both locally & from around the world. But yet, something was missing. I was not completely + genuinely happy & did not feel God's blessing in my life
When I learned TTATT & started to fade, everything fell apart. The friends I thought I had were NOT friends in a true sense. Apart from "the truth," there was nothing much we had in common! Once you are not into "spiritual things," that was it. I couldn't relate to them, & neither could they relate to me! Conversations were shallow, superficial, & awkward. It became extremely difficult to carry on any conversation with them! Such a big difference compared to my "worldly" friends who I can freely converse with at ease about almost any topic imaginable!
For any of you lurkers out there who think you fit in well, think again. You might fit in, but do you BELONG? Just put it to the test & you would know. I once fitted in, but now I know I don't belong to this cult & I am PROUD of it!