Stupidest illustration: Jehovah / Jesus / the elders are like shepherds who care for the flock
Is everyone so dumb as to NOT realize that the sheep being cared for are slaughtered for food in the end???
so as i sit here listening to the sunday morning bs session the elder on the stage yapped about religion and that there can only be one religion leading to god.
he used the illustration of a bicycle wheel.
it has many spokes and they all lead to the center.
Stupidest illustration: Jehovah / Jesus / the elders are like shepherds who care for the flock
Is everyone so dumb as to NOT realize that the sheep being cared for are slaughtered for food in the end???
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results will be here:
was there something that was said to you that got the wheel turning in your brain, that caused you to start waking up to ttatt, either by a jw or ex-jw that you didn't know was awake?
i'm trying to think of things i can say or ask of my current family members still in that may help them to start seeing the real truth about the organization.
they think we're still in..
This approach might not work for your family, but the point it touches on really made me think:
"I read in the news the other day about a father who killed his own child. Don't you agree with me that this is disgusting? A father who kills his own children!"
(JW would definitely agree that this is horrible, repulsive, unloving, etc.)
"So you agree? Now think about your belief that your so-called "loving father" Jehovah would kill billions of his children at Armageddon!!!
my thought bubble in the 1980s:.
"how can i engage with worldly people when they are just not interested in discussing these important topics as featured in the watchtower and awake?.
my thought bubble in the 2010s:.
My thought bubble as a teenager:
I'm so glad to have the truth!
My thought bubble now as a young adult:
I'm so glad to have the truth!
...and need a bullet to the head.
my wife found a post on instagram where some jw nutter claims that either lett or morris said this in a talk.
any confirmation or video of such?
Full story:
A farmer had a pet dog who despite being well cared for was envious of the freedom enjoyed by the wild dogs outside his farm. They often invited him to join their pack but he refused, saying that he had a duty towards his master. One day, after another encounter with the wild dogs, curiosity got the better of him and he decided to join them to see how life would be like in the wild. Well, it was really fun at first! They ran around freely without a care in the world, doing whatever they wanted, even raiding farms and killing the livestock there for food. One day, he ran with the pack and somehow ended up outside his former home. Seeing many chickens there, the greedy dog pack decided to raid the farm and carry away as many chickens as they could. Although feeling guilty, this dog wanted to prove himself to the pack and joined in the raid on his former master's farm. As the dogs ran in to attack the chickens, there was a sudden burst of gunfire and this dog was hit by one of the shots. As he lay critically injured and dying on the ground, he saw his former master walking towards him. "Why... oh why did you shoot me??", he cried. "Didn't you know it was me???" Looking down at the dirty and unkempt dog, the farmer said: "Sorry boy, but I just didn't recognise you"
Moral of the story: If we succumb to peer pressure and the temptations of the world, we may end up suffering a similar fate — being destroyed at Armageddon because God no longer recognises us
Having being in the audience and personally hearing this story being related from the platform on several notable occasions (assemblies & conventions), I can indeed verify the authenticity of this illustration being used in JW land. However, it is yet to be proved that it indeed came from the mouth of one of the GB members themselves
I hope this helps to clarify things a bit
just curious how we all think.. what prompted or influenced your choice of username for this forum?.
there are some really amazing names, and it would be great to hear the stories behind them.... mine was nothing fancy.
i just felt "stuck in a rut too" along with so many others.
In the Divergent book / film series, Divergents are people who are considered to be a threat to social order as they are able to think independently and are unaffected by the mind control tactics of the authoritarian goverment (or the JW organisation, in my case)
let's here some stories of good samaritan conduct , i asked an elder so called friend once could my son sleep on garage floor for a couple of days due to work , the answer was no due to son not believing..
watching rated r movies?
maybe a little gambling in vegas?
when i was in high school i went to the mall with my friend at the time, who happened to be a female.
Watching porn & masturbating
last night at the meeting, a local needs talk preempted the regularly scheduled part.
an elder who is the most society following elder talked about loving god and then he talked about bible principles such as marry only in the lord.
he talked of deut.
Their interpretation of this scripture is totally illogical and I have posted a clear arguement against it previously —
publication, that is?.
i just found all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial in storage.
i enjoyed studying it, as well as make sure of all things, hold fast to what is fine.. our thinking has changed, of course, but, back then, did you have a wt publication you especially liked?.
The Proclaimers book. Kept me occupied as a kid during the meetings