JoinedPosts by Divergent
Kevin the WT anti-hero
by jookbeard inmaybe its a bit too early yet to gauge the fall out from the r&f about the sheer lunacy from the rc's "loyalty" videos, any reports so far?
these rc's clearly have pushed the boundaries of sanity even from them and it includes the truly sickening "disfellowshipping" video also.the only real result of these kind of insane video productions is that it will only haemorrhage more of their members didn't they learn from the sparlock the wizard videos?
clearly not, not too worry though kevin made the right decision.
Questions for JW's from Christians
by Perry ini'm thinking of printing a tract with some simple but thought-provoking questions for people to use when jw's come to their doors.
questions from christians.
bible-believing christians appreciate the moral values of jehovah’s witnesses in their communities but have several questions that somehow seem to escape us when we are caught unexpectedly at our doors.
"Explain your belief in 1914 to me using ONLY the Bible"
That should make them sweat!
Reasons for some brothers not to use technology for the cult ?
by SlappySlap inand what if a brother or sister refuses to use internet only because he got to struggle with pornography and decides to cut off his right hand (technology) and throw it away because it causes him to sin ?.
would he be considered unspiritual for living according to what he thinks to be right or must he take the risk to be tempted or even to sin just to be in line with the ‘’organisation’ ?.
How about Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) as an excuse?
The smug arrogance of "having the truth".
by stuckinarut2 inhas anyone noticed that witnesses (from the top down) seem to have a quiet form of smug arrogance toward all non witnesses?.
perhaps it comes from being told how "special and unique" they are but they end up looking down on all normal members of the community because they are not witnesses.. so any form of "love" they show those in the territory is also limited as long as they accept the message...otherwise they are viewed contemptuously as "worldly" and therefore of little value...after all,they will be destroyed right?.
This smug arrogance is also applied toward others WITHIN the congregation. If you are not pioneering, not a MS, not an elder / elder's wife, not a Bethelite, etc. then you would be looked down upon! (Unless you are very rich, of course. Double standards always apply!) -
Today's Text - Brainwash Your Children!
by Divergent inwith the increasing number of young ones leaving "the truth", it is critical to brainwash them regularly from young!.
monday, may 16. the one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly.—prov.
13:20.. a child could drift away gradually on a spiritually dangerous path, being tempted by harmful association or degrading entertainment.
More and more young people are waking up & leaving "the truth". INSTEAD of acknowledging organizational faults which cause young ones to leave, the organization puts the blame on parents & encourages them to brainwash their children more! -
Today's Text - Brainwash Your Children!
by Divergent inwith the increasing number of young ones leaving "the truth", it is critical to brainwash them regularly from young!.
monday, may 16. the one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly.—prov.
13:20.. a child could drift away gradually on a spiritually dangerous path, being tempted by harmful association or degrading entertainment.
With the increasing number of young ones leaving "the truth", it is critical to brainwash them regularly from young!
Monday, May 16
The one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly.—Prov. 13:20
A child could drift away gradually on a spiritually dangerous path, being tempted by harmful association or degrading entertainment. To prevent such a situation from developing, act quickly if you recognize potential weak spots. Work at fortifying Christian qualities that your children have but that may need to be strengthened. (2 Pet. 1:5-8) The regular period for family worship is an excellent time for you to do that. In outlining this arrangement, the October 2008 Kingdom Ministry stated: “Family heads are encouraged to shoulder their responsibility before Jehovah to ensure that a meaningful, regular program of family Bible study is followed.” Are you taking full advantage of this loving provision to shepherd your children? Trust that your children deeply appreciate your putting priority on taking care of their spiritual need.—Matt. 5:3; Phil. 1:10. w14 9/15 3:10, 11
In other words, teach your children that everyone who is NOT a JW is stupid, any non-JW association is harmful, and any "worldly" entertainment is degrading. Brainwash your children to follow the cult unquestionably from childhood, get them baptized at a young age instead of allowing them to make their OWN choice when they are more mature, and do not hesitate to shun them if they choose to leave. That's how you do it!!!
Today's Text - Draw Close To God... (BUT HOW???)
by Divergent inhere's where i stand at the moment: i neither categorize myself as a theist, atheist, or agnostic.
i'm a freethinker and do not have a specific belief at the moment, unless something comes along which is 100% conclusive & convincing.
which brings us to tackling the elephant in the room, something that today's text has failed to do:.
I challenge god to answer my prayer in a tangible way to prove I'm not praying to the wrong deity.
I made that same challenge too before I faded. Nothing happened!
Isaiah 45:7: "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." – KJV
Proverbs 3:11-12: “The Lord punishes everyone He loves. He whips every … [person] He receives.” – NLV.
Matthew 10:35: “For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—“ (NIV)
I have zero interest in any god who does this crap.
Me too! One thing I've learned to do is to stop trying to justify things which cannot be justified & stop making excuses for God!
The Congregational Make Up Research Project: WTB&TS wants to know you.
by oppostate inwe have a bethel speaker on the english side.
they're pretty regular up here since it's only three and a half hours drive from nyc.. but this is a special kind of visit.. it turns out he's involved in doing a special research project and the christian congregation of jw's wants to know us better.. in order for the broadcasting to address issues more meaningful for families, they want to know the demographic make up of the congregations.. he spoke with the secretary about young single publishers and couples 20-35 y.o.
how are they employed.
Thousands are waking up & leaving, as proven by the organization's own statistics published in the yearbook!
IF the organization had not been so dogmatic on man-made rules & teachings which make no sense BUT instead focused on being an organization that is based on genuine love & helping those in need, then they wouldn't be in this shit which they are in now
Poor advice to stay single, not to have children in this "old system", not to pursue higher education, not to pursue good careers & but instead seek "kingdom interests" first, etc. has resulted in millions of JW's finding themselves in situations where they are poor & broke, childless, old & lonely with no one to support them, dissatisfied & disillusioned, etc. Many have woken up & left while many of those who remain do not have the circumstances & means to give much support to the organization. The floodgates have opened & the organization is now crumbling from within!
Today's Text - Draw Close To God... (BUT HOW???)
by Divergent inhere's where i stand at the moment: i neither categorize myself as a theist, atheist, or agnostic.
i'm a freethinker and do not have a specific belief at the moment, unless something comes along which is 100% conclusive & convincing.
which brings us to tackling the elephant in the room, something that today's text has failed to do:.
I agree about the lack of interaction. Supposedly God used to perform miracles. Why'd he stop? It's not fair. The Hebrews got the parting of the Red Sea; we get Stephen Lett.
Exactly. What's the point of going from door to door with an unconvincing message that people don't bother listening to? If God REALLY wanted people to listen & didn't desire any to be destroyed, wouldn't it make more sense for him to grant his witnesses the ability to perform convincing miracles that people CANNOT deny?
Today's Text - Draw Close To God... (BUT HOW???)
by Divergent inhere's where i stand at the moment: i neither categorize myself as a theist, atheist, or agnostic.
i'm a freethinker and do not have a specific belief at the moment, unless something comes along which is 100% conclusive & convincing.
which brings us to tackling the elephant in the room, something that today's text has failed to do:.
Half banana:
As a JW, I heard others talk about being so pleased that they had an intimate relationship with Big J, talking to him all the time and relying on him for everything...I felt deficient, just couldn't get the hang of it, I never felt close to a spirit Thing even as a pioneer. Yep it's insane!
You know what I realize about these ones? That they are just trying to convince themselves that they have a personal relationship with God & that everything that happens - good or bad - is due to God's will. Something good happens? A blessing from God! Something bad happens? God is not to blame (although he allows it!). God is thanked for good things that happen out of pure coincidence & not blamed for bad things which happen in the same way! JW's are trained not to give in to doubts & negative feelings, so EVERYTHING that happens automatically HAS to be right - even if it's not, they would find a way to justify it!
As.a JW, I was trained to look at only one side of the picture. Now that I see the other side, things are starting to make more sense!