Monday, October 10
Renounce unrighteousness.—2 Tim. 2:19.
God’s Word gives specific advice concerning the types of unrighteousness that Christians must renounce or reject. For instance, in the immediate context of 2 Timothy 2:19, we find that Paul tells Timothy “not to fight about words” and to “reject empty speeches.” (2 Tim. 2:14, 16, 23) Some members of the congregation were promoting apostate teachings. Today, Jehovah’s people are not often confronted with apostasy within the congregation. Still, when exposed to unscriptural teachings, regardless of the source, we must decisively reject them. It would be unwise to engage in debates with apostates, whether in person, by responding to their blogs, or by any other form of communication. Even when the intention is to help the individual, such conversation would be contrary to the Scriptural direction we are given. Rather, as Jehovah’s people, we completely avoid, yes reject, apostasy. w14 7/15 2:9, 10
10 important points to think about:
1. "Renounce unrighteousness"
If unrighteousness is found WITHIN the Watchtower organization, shouldn't it be equally renounced WITHOUT turning a blind eye and practicing double standards?
2. "God’s Word gives specific advice concerning the types of unrighteousness that Christians must renounce or reject."
An unrighteous book condemning unrighteousness". How ironic! (source:
3. "Paul tells Timothy "not to fight about words" and to "reject empty speeches"
He also belittled women and condoned slavery. Good job, Paul!
4. "Some members of the congregation were promoting apostate teachings"
What kind of stupid God makes truth so vague that it is so easy for "apostate" teachings to spread???
5. "Today, Jehovah’s people are not often confronted with apostasy within the congregation"
Because anyone deemed to be an "apostate" is either quickly silenced or kicked out
6. "Still, when exposed to unscriptural teachings, regardless of the source, we must decisively reject them"
Decisively reject unscriptural teachings would mean rejecting JW's and the Watchtower themselves as they have taught countless unscriptural teachings! (source:
7. "It would be unwise to engage in debates with apostates, whether in person, by responding to their blogs, or by any other form of communication."
TRUTH should be able to DEFEAT lies, UNLESS you do not have truth! Why be so afraid???
8. "Even when the intention is to help the individual, such conversation would be contrary to the Scriptural direction we are given."
Same point as #6. Why be afraid if you REALLY have truth??? If they have truth, shouldn't they strive as much as possible to "help" the individual INSTEAD of doing the opposite? (imagine the number of hours they can count!)
9. "Rather, as Jehovah’s people, we completely avoid, yes reject, apostasy."
Rather, as a cult, we completely avoid and reject anything contrary to what our cult leaders say. I think that's what they mean
10. Finally, apostasy means a falling away from truth. It can be applied to JW's themselves as it is very obvious that they do NOT have truth! (source: