"If you were handed a glass of water that looked pure, but were told it has just a tiny drop of poison in it, would you drink it?"
JW's would not only drink it but they would empty the glass and ask for a 2nd glass!
no doubt we have all heard that well used "illustration" in public talks etc over the years:.
"if you were handed a glass of water that looked pure, but were told it has just a tiny drop of poison in it, would you drink it?".
the society has used that illustration at length to say we should avoid all influences of every part of the world.. but, as we know, the society has had a track record of errors, false ideas and doctrines.
"If you were handed a glass of water that looked pure, but were told it has just a tiny drop of poison in it, would you drink it?"
JW's would not only drink it but they would empty the glass and ask for a 2nd glass!
i browse this site on mobile and noticed that the thread post view is now stuck at 10. previously, i could set it at 20 and it stays that way, but now if i set it at 20, it goes back to 10 again the moment i click on another topic.
i hope that you can look into this as it is extremely irritating for me to keep having to change it.
i want to view as many posts as possible in one page!
Noticed that the problem has been fixed now. Thanks, Simon! =)
i left in 2006. i seem to vaguely recall that the written review was no more but i can't say for sure.. so, do they still do it?
was (is) it a waste of time?
i used to hate it..
We had that when I was a kid haha! I lt was funny on the rare occasion when newcomers walked into the hall in the midst of the review — they'll be thinking: WTF is going on??? Dozens of people each doing their own stuff in total silence. How strange! I was happy when the written review was done away with — it was simply weird and awkward. But so are the rest of the meetings anyway... LOL!
i had a discussion with 4 jws today and they told me that jesus could not be tempted, ( they say that he would not be perfect if he could) but also they told me that satan tempted jesus in the wilderness.. can anyone clarify their beliefs please.
i like to give them a reasoned argument when i talk to them, but have never noticed this conflict of ideas before..
Ask them if they think this scripture is true:
2 Corinthians 10:13 — God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear
They woud definitely agree
Then drop the bomb on them: Well, your stupid god evidently allowed Eve to be tempted beyond what she could bear! ! ! (A young inexperienced human being manipulated by a powerful and crafty spirit creature who has lived for aeons? Tell me how that is fair!)
thursday, december 8. take your stand against him, firm in the faith.—1 pet.
5:9.. to do that, we need to prepare our mind and heart, to train ourselves now to do what is right.
we do not know what our spiritual warfare may involve in the future.
Can I ask something? I mean it with all due respect and you already know what it is and I am sure I'm not the first to ask...
Why are you still reading the Daily Text of all things?
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the rebuttals... I wouldn't volunteer to do it, so I guess I'm glad someone does. But damn.
I don't do it daily, I just check occasionally out of curiosity. I don't mind reading it as my mind is quite immune to JW stuff now. And yes, I don't have to rebut it but I just feel like doing it when I have nothing better to do. I hope that it might help any who are still-in to think for themselves instead of being influenced by the bull***t they are fed on a regular basis
thursday, december 8. take your stand against him, firm in the faith.—1 pet.
5:9.. to do that, we need to prepare our mind and heart, to train ourselves now to do what is right.
we do not know what our spiritual warfare may involve in the future.
Thursday, December 8
Take your stand against him, firm in the faith.—1 Pet. 5:9.
To do that, we need to prepare our mind and heart, to train ourselves now to do what is right. We do not know what our spiritual warfare may involve in the future. Therefore, would it not be wise to do some significant training during a time of relative peace? Paul wrote to the Corinthians: “Keep testing whether you are in the faith; keep proving what you yourselves are.” (2 Cor. 13:5) One way that we can heed Paul’s inspired advice is by making a serious self-examination. Ask yourself such questions as: ‘Do I persevere in prayer? When faced with peer pressure, do I obey God as ruler rather than men? Do I attend Christian meetings regularly? Am I bold in speaking about my beliefs? Do I really try to put up with my fellow believers’ shortcomings—just as they put up with mine? Am I submissive to those taking the lead in the local congregation and to those responsible for doing so in the worldwide congregation?’ w14 9/15 2:16, 17
My answers to the questions asked:
1. "Do I persevere in prayer?"
Before I left, I prayed to Jehovah to convince me that JW's have the truth and NOTHING happened!
2. "When faced with peer pressure, do I obey God as ruler rather than men?"
Shouldn't Jokehova CONVINCE me fully first BEFORE expecting me to obey him as ruler? ? ?
3. "Do I attend Christian meetings regularly?"
You people are a CULT — why should I? ? ?
4. "Am I bold in speaking about my beliefs?"
NO, I wasn't bold in speaking about my beliefs when I was active. Know why? Because I COULDN'T defend them! (How do you defend illogical man-made teachings? ? ? )
5. "Do I really try to put up with my fellow believers’ shortcomings—just as they put up with mine?"
This sentence is worded to make US feel guilty even if it is THE OTHER WAY — US having to put up with shortcomings all the time! ! !
6. "Am I submissive to those taking the lead in the local congregation and to those responsible for doing so in the worldwide congregation?"
NO, I DON'T believe in BLIND SUBMISSION to people who are UNDESERVING of it! ! !
as i was driving past a certain gas station today, i recalled that the family who own it are called on by a friend of mine, and in a territory where it's hard to find interest.
it reminded me of an incident months back when this friend, brother d, discovered that another friend, brother b, was calling on that family too.
hey, gotta make your time.. those two went at it.
A sister actually STOPPED talking to my mum when my mum started studying with a lady who was originally studying with her. It was actually the lady's choice to switch study conductors, but nooo. . . that sister could not accept it!
Oh yeah, and she stopped talking to her ex-study too. Even though that study is now a sister!
we have seen that the society falls back on the line "it is the victims right to approach the authorities" during all the abuse claims.. they use this excuse to try and defend the passive lack of action in failing to report suspected cases of abuse.. a comparison came to mind:.
if we came across a person lying in the street who says they were hit by a car, would we say "it is your absolute right to call the paramedics and police"?.
or would we take the initiative and call those authorities ourselves to help the person?.
How the heck do they expect vulnerable and traumatised CHILDREN who are victims of abuse to approach the authorities WITHOUT helping them to do so? ? ? ! ! ! ! The children have NO SAY AT ALL in the matter, it is usually decided for them and their families NOT to involve the authorities!
for those who became jws, were you fully aware of the societys cruel shunning policy whilst studying?
i absolutely had no idea such a policy existed until years later.
it really only hit home when reading the horrendous stories on the internet around 2002. .
I was aware, but I never questioned it because I thought it was "the truth"! It was only after I woke up that I realized the extent of the cruelness of this unscriptural policy and the fear and damage it causes!
as i was sitting in the meeting last night i thought about this question.. sometimes it feels really lonely because i don't connect with most others in the congregation and i have to be so careful with the ones with whom i do associate.. quick rundown on my baptized at 17...married at 20...became inactive at 28 wife still active though...came back to meetings with her 20 years later just to keep her quiet and see if they had changed (for a while i actually thought they had) i am still inactive and haven't gone out in service or anything.
i just go to meetings with my wife who is happy as a lark to have me there with her...just go to meetings and think...and think...and think.... anyway, i just wondered if there are any out there like me who are going to meetings and nothing else?.
No I DON'T and I'm proud of it! ! !