Haven't seen a Hitachi TV for ages where I'm at. The local TV market is dominated by Samsung, the most aggressive market player. The main Japanese players are Panasonic & Sony, which have lost a lot of market share to Samsung in recent years
JoinedPosts by Divergent
Hitachi TV Review
by The Fall Guy ini have never reviewed a product before, but having purchased a hitachi 50 inch full hd lcd tv at the weekend, i thought i'd share my experience.
hitachi tv's are now made in turkey, and not by the hitachi company.
the uk's sole supplier is the argos company.
Today's Text: Education Is Important... Not You, Higher Education!
by Divergent intuesday, october 24. wisdom is good for you.
if you find it, you will have a future.—prov.
24:14.. as parents, you want your teenage children to remain spiritually healthy.
Tuesday, October 24
Wisdom is good for you. If you find it, you will have a future.—Prov. 24:14.
As parents, you want your teenage children to remain spiritually healthy. And God wants you to bring your children up “in the discipline and admonition of Jehovah.” (Eph. 6:4) So use your God-given responsibility to establish and maintain a spiritual routine. To illustrate: You insist that your children be educated because their education is important and you hope to instill in them a love for learning. Loving parents likewise insist that their children benefit from the “admonition of Jehovah” at congregation meetings and through other spiritual programs. Because divine education is vital, you try to instill in your children love for spiritual things and appreciation for wisdom. As Jesus helped his disciples, you seek to help your teenage children to succeed in the ministry by developing in them a love of teaching God’s Word and by helping them stick to a good field service routine. w15 11/15 2:6
So the text says that parents should "insist that your children be educated because their education is important and you hope to instill in them a love for learning." However, this obviously refers ONLY to "spiritual" or "divine" education here and NOT to higher education! Everybody knows that higher education is still strongly condemned & shunned. Yet another example of doublespeak by the borg!
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What The Bible Says About War (Awake 2017 Issue No. 5)
by Divergent inhttps://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/awake-no5-2017-october/what-bible-says-about-war/.
the bible's viewpoint .
This recent article from the Awake magazine really hit a nerve with me. Even when I was an active JW, this subject always bothered me. The million dollar question that the article DOES NOT address is this:
If the God of the bible really HATES war / violence, then WHY does he (a "God of love", wisdom, justice, and power, who is also gracious, kind, "merciful & compassionate", "slow to anger", etc.) choose to use the very methods which go AGAINST all his aforementioned qualities???
The only part from the above article which I truly agree with is this:
The Israelites worshipped a bloodthirsty “tribal war god.”
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What The Bible Says About War (Awake 2017 Issue No. 5)
by Divergent inhttps://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/awake-no5-2017-october/what-bible-says-about-war/.
the bible's viewpoint .
In ancient times, the Israelites waged war in the name of their God, Jehovah. Does this mean that God approves of modern warfare?
Why did ancient Israel go to war?
The Israelites worshipped a bloodthirsty “tribal war god.”
The nations whom Israel defeated were thoroughly corrupted by violence and depraved practices—including bestiality, incest, and child sacrifice. After giving them centuries to change their ways, God said: “It is by all these things that the nations that I am driving out from before you have made themselves unclean.”—Leviticus 18:21-25; Jeremiah 7:31.
“It is because of the wickedness of these nations that Jehovah your God is driving them away from before you.”—Deuteronomy 9:5.
Does God take sides in war today?
In many conflicts, religious leaders on both sides claim that God is on their side. “Religion has always played a part in every war that was ever fought,” says the book The Causes of War.
Christians are not authorized to fight against their enemies. The apostle Paul wrote to fellow Christians: “If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men. Do not avenge yourselves.”—Romans 12:18, 19.
Instead of sending his followers to war, Jesus told them: “Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you, so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens.” (Matthew 5:44, 45) Even when the nation in which they live goes to war, Christians should remain neutral, “no part of the world.” (John 15:19) If God wants his worshippers in all nations to love their enemies and to remain separate from the world, how could he support either side of a violent conflict today?
“My Kingdom is no part of this world. If my Kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my Kingdom is not from this source.”—John 18:36.
Will war ever end?
War is inevitable. “War has a future,” says the book War and Power in the 21st Century. “There is no danger of universal and perpetual peace breaking out in this century.”
Wars will end when no one has the desire to wage war. Consequently, God’s Kingdom—a real government that rules from heaven—will soon act to disarm our planet and to teach humans to pursue peace. The Bible assures us that God will “set matters straight respecting mighty nations far away. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore.”—Micah 4:3.
The Bible teaches that under God’s Kingdom there will no longer be national governments competing for their own interests, unjust policies prompting citizens to revolt, or prejudice that fuels ethnic divisions. As a result, war will vanish. “They will not cause any harm or any ruin,” God promises, “because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters cover the sea.”—Isaiah 11:9.
“He is bringing an end to wars throughout the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the military wagons with fire.”—Psalm 46:9.
Do not think the end will come?
by Akid48 inthats somthing i see thats asked in my kingdom hall if you want to go get more than 2 years in collage.thing in some one asking that to me or etc i cant say any thing or that would show that i dont believe.. i hate when some one askes me that when i try to plan ahead when it comes to what job i want.what job would help me hold my own but no god will give if you put him first.i dont believe in god even when i did i never buyed into that.. it seems you cant get away from the question im only 13 and i get that question theres no getting away from it..
Just use their own words against them. It's fun!
For example:
If you really think the end is coming yourself, wouldn't you have already quit your job & started pioneering full-time???
Bro / sis X just bought a new car / house. Why don't you ask them the same question that you just asked me???
Savage mode works very well for me =)
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Today's Text - Justifying The Increase Of Annointed Ones!
by Divergent inthursday, august 31. jehovah knows those who belong to him.—2 tim.
2:19.. in recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of those partaking at the memorial of christ’s death.
that trend contrasts with the decrease in the number of partakers that we saw for many decades.
Thursday, August 31
Jehovah knows those who belong to him.—2 Tim. 2:19.
In recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of those partaking at the Memorial of Christ’s death. That trend contrasts with the decrease in the number of partakers that we saw for many decades. Should this increase trouble us? No. Let us consider some key factors to keep in mind. Those taking the count at the Memorial cannot judge who truly have the heavenly hope. The number of partakers includes those who mistakenly think that they are anointed. Some who at one point started to partake of the emblems later stopped. Others may have mental or emotional problems that lead them to believe that they will rule with Christ in heaven. Therefore, the number of partakers does not accurately indicate the number of anointed ones left on earth. And the Bible does not state how many will be left at the time that the great tribulation begins. w16.01 4:12-14
It's fun to see how the borg tries desperately to justify the illogical increase of "anointed" ones when the math does not add up in the first place! This "anointed" concept should NOT even be in existence in our time to begin with! Think about it — they are actually saying that the hundreds of thousands of Christians who lived back in the first century WERE NOT ABLE to fill this number of 144,000??? Instead of labelling certain ones who partake as having mental and emotional problems, the GB does not have to look any further than THEMSELVES as they are undisputably the real whackos!
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Ex-JWs In The Dating Scene - It's A Whole New Game
by pale.emperor insince leaving watchtower it still strikes me as odd how little i knew the real world and how it works.
i thought i knew how it worked but it turns out i didnt.
as jws we were always "courting with a view to marriage".you go on one date with a girl and everyone's expecting you're gonna marry her?
So you've successfully faded
by ctrwtf inso i'm pretty sure my fade is complete.
haven't stepped foot inside a kh in 9 years.
but the concept of fading still makes me wonder.
What "sins" have I committed? All of the above, with the exception of getting a tattoo, excessive drinking, and donating to religious organizations. Also the addition of the following:
— Fornication. Humans are sexual beings and sex is a basic human need which should not be repressed, as long as it does not result in the hurt of others
— "Worldly" association. Lots of it!
— Association with disfellowshipped ones / "apostates". There is a growing number of such individuals who I know personally and keep in touch with
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Today's Text - How To Be A Judgemental A**hole!
by Divergent insaturday, august 19. make sure of the more important things, so that you may be flawless and not stumbling others.—phil.
1:10.. how can we train our conscience?
key ways are by regularly and prayerfully studying the bible, meditating on what we read, and then putting into practice what we have learned.
Saturday, August 19
Make sure of the more important things, so that you may be flawless and not stumbling others.—Phil. 1:10.
How can we train our conscience? Key ways are by regularly and prayerfully studying the Bible, meditating on what we read, and then putting into practice what we have learned. Obviously, this involves more than accumulating facts and learning rules. Our study of the Bible should gradually give us an ever more precise picture of Jehovah, his personality, his qualities, and what he likes or dislikes. Our conscience becomes attuned to the ways of Jehovah God. This should stir our heart, moving us to want to become more and more like him. However, if we cannot understand the conscientious decision of a fellow believer on some personal matter, we should not quickly judge him or feel that we ought to pressure him to change his mind. Perhaps his conscience is still “weak” and in need of more training or is too sensitive on certain issues.—1 Cor. 8:11, 12. w15 9/15 2:4,8, 10
So JW's SHOULD NOT quickly judge others or pressure them to change their minds, BUT it is the OTHER person who is assumed to have a weak conscience and in need of more training and said to be too sentitive??? That ironically makes what was said before it about NOT judging completely irrelevant!!! Double-speak at its very best!
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Set the record straight!
by Colinconfused ini would like to state publicly, on this forum, i no longer hold the views i had a year ago.. with much thought, research, study and logical examination i have come to a better understanding of my beliefs and where i stand on all these issues.. i'm very happy to announce i have returned to healthful teaching of the holy scriptures and i firmly believe that the governing body of jehovah's witnesses is the faithful slave.. sorry if i have contibuted to any kind of stumbling and know that if i can turn things around then there's hope for all who come to there sence.. phill4:6,7.