I spose there's just more than one way to skin a cat or get results 😉
Ask VW about that, I believe they developed the "clean diesel" car and have the tests to prove it! Lol that's a joke.
more than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, and more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments.
i didn't know it was so widespread...but it's a big problem in biology/medicine..
I spose there's just more than one way to skin a cat or get results 😉
Ask VW about that, I believe they developed the "clean diesel" car and have the tests to prove it! Lol that's a joke.
" the contestant was useless as he said the 1700s.
the correct answer the quiz master gave was the 20th century.
and then he added, "they only began in the 1930s believe it or not.
Will the real WT please stand up.
a letter was read tonight in our kingdom hall that the money that the circuits in the indianapolis area had in savings to build a new assembly hall will now be transferred to the www to build kingdom halls in lands where they are needed and a new assembly hall for us will not be built.. we had a beautiful assembly hall near downtown indy that was paid for.
it was sold a couple of years ago.
we were promised a new assembly hall to be built in southern ohio near the indiana border but they can kiss that goodbye now.
Highway robbery.
what is your level of tolerance for ambiguity?.
ambiguity is a clunky, uncomfortable word, imho.. .
ambiguity means "open to more than one interpretation".
Religion is actually very good at making the ambiguous concrete. I think religion loves ambiguity it does snow angels in all the ambiguity that abounds around anything "unprovable." Religion, whilst appearing black and white, and, some religions are more black and white than others, actually makes very clever usage of grey areas in people's minds, gaps in knowledge and the general uncomfortableness people have with ambiguity actually serves religion, scammers and confidence tricksters very well.
I was reading only recently about the "raven paradox" and I thought to my nutty little self wow stuff should make sense backwards and forwards of course it should. I always knew that and didn't know I knew that! Applying this to religious "theory" would help clear up any of the ambiguity religion likes to hide in and clear up any falsified "theory" put forth by black and white religions.
Generally speaking -of course 😊😉😆
so at the phd today with my wife and me, and in slowly getting to the heart of matters (like peeling an onion if you ask me), the dialogue in part went like this: .
phd: if it came down to it, would you take a bullet in the head instead of giving up membership in your organization?
wife: absolutely, i would die for my faith.
Brave words but TBH I think most JWs who claim they would "take a bullet" have never actually come face to face with an actual bullet from an actual gun before otherwise they would know how devastatingly traumatizing it is and wouldn't be so free and easy with their hubristic declarations about "taking a bullet."
i've been shy my whole life, but during my teenage years and early 20s i managed to be more comfortable socializing and made many friends in different parts of my country (jws of course).
that was before i woke up, because i saw myself being a jw for the rest of my life and thus i made an effort to meet new jw friends.
however, after i woke up, i lost interest in meeting new people because knowing that when i leave they will be gone... feels like a total waste of time and energy.
I wouldn't call it "antisocial" but after years of enforced "socializing" with people I had nothing in common with except religion I'm just trying to be more authentic and realistic about myself and others.
just wondering what would happen if a brother saying a prayer in a meeting did it in the name of michael the archangel instead of closing the prayer with "jesus christ".
since jw's believe michael is jesus would he be counseled?
what if a brother used the name michael the archangel in their public talks instead of jesus?
The JWborg have perfected thought/word policing to an art form.
Their org their rules.
just wondering what would happen if a brother saying a prayer in a meeting did it in the name of michael the archangel instead of closing the prayer with "jesus christ".
since jw's believe michael is jesus would he be counseled?
what if a brother used the name michael the archangel in their public talks instead of jesus?
Apply the same question to the "model" prayer that starts with "Our Father..." why can't JWs just pray to "father"?
i recently attended a non jw funeral at a local church.
during the service, a couple of friends/relatives of the deceased eloquently spoke for a few minutes about the deceased with some of their fond memories and gave heartfelt, respectful tributes.. would i ( a non jw) be given a few minutes to speak at either of my jw parents funerals at the kingdom hall ?.
i guess i already know the answer, but if the answer is "no", then why not and how would they hide the heartlessness of refusing ?
Hell yeah bennyk. Jesus was undignified all over the damn place. Him with his bitches and his tax collector buddies and overturning the money tables in the temple and shit. Whooo that boy was indignified af. Lol.
i knew many witness wives with unbelieving mates who pretty much led a double life.
“my husband says i have to go the workplace christmas party.” or my mate tells me i have to make a thanksgiving dinnner.
or “ my mate insists i do things in the bedroom that i know the watchtower has talked against.
If you have no qualms about being JW at the meeting and "worldy" at home with your "worldly" spouse then why the heck would you want to or even need to be a jw at all?! God, religion is stupid.