I could absolutely imagine somebody trying to use it to take the guy out.
BUT, the CO and Bethel would have to be on board and I couldn't see it happening even though yes they do pick and choose OT rules as it suits them.
i happen to be one of very few people who know of this condition that the man has.
he had an accident several years ago with some power equipment.
leviticus 21:20 commands that no man present the bread at the temple with damaged testicles... so?.
I could absolutely imagine somebody trying to use it to take the guy out.
BUT, the CO and Bethel would have to be on board and I couldn't see it happening even though yes they do pick and choose OT rules as it suits them.
Yeah, love these my only critique to the clever creator would be enunciate more or get better voice talent otherwise very witty and welldone.
this tony morris is such a douchnozzle.
what a controlling asswipe.
watching him makes me want to punch him in the face, but also laugh out loud.
at a recent coag {,council of australian governments} meeting the subject/issue of states & territories to sign up for a national redress scheme to compensate victims of institutional abuse sexual and otherwise fell on deaf ears.. not one state or territory agreed to sign up .
not one.. i am sure the victims of child sexual abuse within various institutions not only the jehovah`s witnesses victims would be very disheartened to learn that.individual states and territories of government within australia do not support a national redress scheme to compensate victims of child sexual abuse .. the south australian govt.
to my understanding is they will never do so .
With politics it's all about votes and money unfortunately.
i happen to be one of very few people who know of this condition that the man has.
he had an accident several years ago with some power equipment.
leviticus 21:20 commands that no man present the bread at the temple with damaged testicles... so?.
So, technically that means Hitler whilst able to run germany would not have qualified to be a JW elder you know because of the whole "one brass ball" scandal. Good to know OT standards do come in handy sometimes.
curious what the canadian take is on all this .
i also understand he compared islamic state terrorists to greek, vietnamese & italian migrants?
that one i haven't confirmed yet but sounds wacky if true.
Tah OC. Just wondering if all songs will be required to be gender neutralized in the future to appease the faint of heart? Coz it is a slippery slope isn't it, just a thought.
curious what the canadian take is on all this .
i also understand he compared islamic state terrorists to greek, vietnamese & italian migrants?
that one i haven't confirmed yet but sounds wacky if true.
Haven't they changed the Canadian national anthem to be gender neutral now or are they just thunking bout it? Thought I heard something on the news recently.
more than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, and more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments.
i didn't know it was so widespread...but it's a big problem in biology/medicine..
I spose there's just more than one way to skin a cat or get results 😉
Ask VW about that, I believe they developed the "clean diesel" car and have the tests to prove it! Lol that's a joke.
" the contestant was useless as he said the 1700s.
the correct answer the quiz master gave was the 20th century.
and then he added, "they only began in the 1930s believe it or not.
Will the real WT please stand up.
a letter was read tonight in our kingdom hall that the money that the circuits in the indianapolis area had in savings to build a new assembly hall will now be transferred to the www to build kingdom halls in lands where they are needed and a new assembly hall for us will not be built.. we had a beautiful assembly hall near downtown indy that was paid for.
it was sold a couple of years ago.
we were promised a new assembly hall to be built in southern ohio near the indiana border but they can kiss that goodbye now.
Highway robbery.