Lets hope the poor disfellowshipped woman reads this thread and wakes the fuck up to how cold and heartless JWs really are!
JoinedPosts by sparrowdown
Unhappy being asked to give a Disfellowshipped Sister a ride to and from Meetings
by Isambard Crater ini'm pimo, very much against disfellowshipping, and going to a meeting leaves me feeling confused and angry at the best of times.
except an elder asked me on thursday night if i can start giving a ride to a disfellowshipped woman because she lives near me and nobody else from the hall lives in my village.
it seems the elder and his family who have been giving this woman a ride for the past six months can no longer stomach the time it takes them to go out of their way.. i thought all normal publishers weren't to have any contact with disfellowshipped people?
March 2018 Broadcast - When quotes become rumors
by Listener inthis months broadcast is presented by losche and he discusses the need for trust in the fds.
the following is transcribed from the 12.30 mark.. satan also has the scheme to spread rumors about our brothers including the faithful slave.
the method of spreading rumors is not new.
"The spread of rumours (facts about the borg) is like wildfire it is hard to control, it spreads distrust (questioning) and can undermine someone's faith (mind control programming)" ???
Is My Wife Awakening?
by My Name is of No Consequence inevery now and then, my wife will talk about how things are not making sense within the org.
i usually just dismiss it as her playing mind games with me.
for example, she would ask why there are so many branches being closed or why so many congregations are being merged.
The road to waking up is rarely straight with anyone it can be two steps forward one step back for quite some time. What confuses things is JWs are so trained at saying what they think you want to hear it can seem like they're agreeing with you but they're just "throwing you a bone" so your suspicion of her "playing you" is justified.
But, having said that I would be cautiously encouraged by this conversation if I were you. Good job.
Funny News From My Old Congragation - Elder Fight!
by pale.emperor ini haven't stopped laughing since i heard this.
a pimo in my last congregation told me that an elder has been removed from his elder position.
apparently he grabbed another elder by the throat, put him up against a wall in the back room and punched him in on the nose... during an elders meeting on thursday evening after the meeting.. the congregation were running round like headless chickens wondering what to do?
Elders punching elders too right I say, should be more of it.
Have you ever "partaken" at the memorial
by NikL init's that time of year again.. trying to decide if i should or shouldn't.
I find it amusing that some people are still so scawed of JWs that the very thought of hypothetically "partaking" of bread and wine you are offered personally at a public meeting is enough to cause them to gasp, "clutch their pearls" and shit their pants in horror and outrage.
Nobody partook anything yet they're just "thinking bout it"! Palm meet face.
A Field Service that gave a shock to the CO
by Ireneus induring one co visit to our congregation, i was asked to work with co as i was a new publisher.
after some ordinary visits, we entered a house where there was only a lady who proved be well-educated.
though it was my turn, i told co to present the good news.
Was it a "shock" the CO suffered or an "attack of the vapors" maybe he needed some "snuff" administered forthwith!
Sorry but lol.
Funny News From My Old Congragation - Elder Fight!
by pale.emperor ini haven't stopped laughing since i heard this.
a pimo in my last congregation told me that an elder has been removed from his elder position.
apparently he grabbed another elder by the throat, put him up against a wall in the back room and punched him in on the nose... during an elders meeting on thursday evening after the meeting.. the congregation were running round like headless chickens wondering what to do?
A couple of "pricks" fighting? Come on, you gotta expect a bit of hijinks from the lads 😉
Who Says JW's Are Not A Judgemental Cult
by FedUpJW inchecked out another thread on the jw talk cult site and found this new discussion under the heading makes it awkward...i think: .
hi brothers, hope we are all basking in jehovah's undeserved kindness.
well, anytime im having a bible study in the ministry and we get to d study 6 in the brochure; listen to god and live forever which has d topic : what do we learn from the great flood?
I have watched a few "cart crash" and "JWs come to the wrong door" type vids now and a common theme seems to be "we are not here to convert you" or the equivalent from the JWs.
A Field Service that gave a shock to the CO
by Ireneus induring one co visit to our congregation, i was asked to work with co as i was a new publisher.
after some ordinary visits, we entered a house where there was only a lady who proved be well-educated.
though it was my turn, i told co to present the good news.
"We will have some refreshment" lol.
Was the CO from 1876?
I love the way "worldy" people are not afraid of "triggering their persecution complex" they just say it like it is.
I 'm becoming convinced the only way to hurt WT is with ridicule, relentless ridicule.