First year not going to the memorial is quite a milestone in a JW's emancipation. Well done you!
JoinedPosts by sparrowdown
First Year Without Attending Memorial... And Spouse Is Free Too
by AnonVet insorry for the use of "the spouse" and "s" (for spouse).
still trying to protect our identities.. well, i started questioning everything about 2 years ago.
woke myself up.. the spouse wasn't thrilled at all.
Gruesome details in last night's memorial talk
by purrpurr inlast night's memorial talk in my cong went into graphic gruesome details about the torture of jesus and how the stake killed people.
i mean medical level graphic description!
step by step details of each injury and how it killed!
Maybe they got Mel Gibson to write a Passion of the Christ style memorial outline lol.
How long since your last memorial?
by NewYork44M inthis is my 15th year without going to the memorial.
based on comments, it seems i did not miss anything.
Wow Black Man. Did you know when you gave the talk you would not be at the memorial the following year?
Sorry folks, not rabid.
by stillin ini phoned an older jw friend who has had some health problems lately.
he has lost a son and a wife in the last two years and he seems to be on a downward slide.
he is in a rehab hospital following surgery and i figured he could use some good cheer, which he does.. he was pleased to report to me that he had attended the memorial at a local kh and that he has been finding a lot of nurses who seem to want to know what makes jw's different, so he is racking up a good field service report and he is happy about it.
Sigh, yes what can you do. Just smile and nod it's not the time or place.
Nice you made the time for him.
How long since your last memorial?
by NewYork44M inthis is my 15th year without going to the memorial.
based on comments, it seems i did not miss anything.
I can't remember if it's 3 or 4 years now.
On a side note the memorial talk outline is provided and is meant to be strictly adhered to with certain parts read verbatim. It's been that way for a while now so no excuse for going off-script that would be a no-no. Sadly, even having a good understanding of WT doctrine would not make these talks any more logical or the speaker any more competent.
My JW niece is getting married ... typical JW drama
by wannabefree inwe received an invitation in the mail yesterday for my jw niece's wedding.. i am posting this just to add for any lurkers to see typical jw practices.. 1st - and perfectly understandable for anybody who is or was a jw.
i'm not invited.
:) hey, i'm really not complaining about that.
Ugh! God, the politics of weddings. I hate weddings. I hate JW weddings more.
Zeb's Memorial Experience
by HiddlesWife ini just saw zeb's ("i'm worldly") video entitled: "black mass mayhem" a few minutes ago.
no doubt this was what he experienced at a memorial he attended last night. .
Even as a witness I could never understand why the memorial was actively promoted and advertised as a public meeting where anyone and everyone was invited to come. I would consider it the most baffling of all the JW meetings and certainly the most alienating in terms of feeling a part of it.
There is no scripture that says Jesus went out and invited as many silent onlookers as he could manage to get to to the last supper.
We would call it a "celebration" - it's not, it's an uptight hear a pin drop boring ceremony/ritual.
It's advertised as a "meal" - it's not, food and wine are offered but you are not supposed to accept.
They act like it's supposed to be some kind of sacred cow meeting when nothing actually happens.
So why make it open?
Then it occured to me that if you get some poor unsuspecting fool to swallow this farce or worse be impressed by it, it's their first act of blind obedience to the WT. The first time they will proclaim "yes yes this makes total sense, the emporah's clothes are beautiful."
Two witness rule: Stop using it, its not working on JWs!
by StephaneLaliberte inmost jws don't see this as a problem.
they reason that.
just like the jws, the police will not convict a pedophile over the story of one victim alone, there must be collaborative evidence.
I don't think JWs shouldn't be the target audience for activism. I have given up on getting through to JWs with anything - let the brain dead be brain dead. I feel any activism needs to be directed at the media as the only hope of affecting this religion and those in it is to educate the public. Police, politicians, lawyers, teachers, doctors, counselors, neighbours, parents ...
Lloyd’s new book
by jwfacts ini see there has already been discussion over lloyd’s new book how to leave the jehovah's witnesses.
this includes discussion around his personality, motives and financial gains.
i have written a foreword for this book, because it is an important topic that has not been covered in such a complete format before.
I haven't read the new book on exiting but agree a concise booklet on this will be helpful and Lloyd has a wide audience that is growing.
There is also another author that has few excellent books on leaving.
Aw damn, if I knew it was a competition I would have tried harder.