Unfortunately irresponsible idiot dog owners are everywhere. The last congregation I attended I was with a fs group on three seperate occasions of incidences where elderly JWs were bitten by a dog. Two sisters and one couple where both husband and wife were injured. D2D work for any reason carries the risk of dog attack. So does just walking down the street or going to a park if dogs are not under control.
JoinedPosts by sparrowdown
76 Year Old JW Woman Attacked by Pit Bull While Out in Service ... "Lost a large amount of blood"
by Wild_Thing in4 people were hurt by the dog ... 2 were jws.
the older woman was severely hurt.
i hope the old woman survives.
Things you didn't expect to like...
by sparrowdown instuff you never expected you would do or enjoy doing as a non-witness.... researching - always thought i hated study and reading turns out it was just wt literature i hated studying and reading.
having political opinions and just having opinons and beliefs that are not set in stone and that i am free to assess, review and adjust as i become more aware of imformation .
droping the f-bomb every now and again to make a point feels surprisingly good but that may just be post-religious rebellion that wears off... eventually.
Stillin - ok I admit some days I'm in salty sailor category with the expletives there is too much of a good thing I spose.
Scartchme - you're right, dude you were never meant to be a JW - lucky you!
Dissedby E - hey you go on or off however you like, just glad you decided to join the conversation - welcome.
WT wizard - aw you old pagany pagan you - so cute to imagine you out there screaming "up yours Jehovah I'll worship whatever celestial body I want!!"
Lovesuni - Oh man, I have a long list of faves of which I'll have to post sometime a recent-ish one is It Follows - modern classic im my opinion.
Motherly Love, that "Unbreakable Bond"
by Simon inmy father died a couple of months ago.
he'd been ill for some time and had many health scares and heart troubles over the years but always managed to keep on going.
then one time he didn't.. i'm glad i got to know him again and spend some more time with him after so many years missed because of the wts but those years will always be lost forever.
I can put up with shunning from pretty much everyone but it cuts like a hot knife when it's a parent or for kids - a grandparents. How do you explain to children why Grandma hates us?
The psycho-religio mind virus WT installs in people's brains is pretty damn good to be able to bypass the natural maternal instinct to love and protect so effectively in otherwise "normal" people.
Truly evil what WT and cults like it do to family.
Interview with an Apostate: punkofnice (all about that funny Brit, Unky Punky)
by punkofnice intell us a little about yourself and your family.. racially a very mixed family.
we just looked like average white, working class brits.
dad was in the marine commandos in ww2.
So glad you shared punky you sir are definitely one of my faves, intelligent, funny, kind and sweet that family of yours don't know what they're missing.
2018 Convention movie: Jonah.... oh my god it's bad......!
by stuckinarut2 inso, once again the society has produced a cringe-worthy, spew-inducing piece of "cinema".. i don't recognise this religion anymore...... enjoy this review:.
Rabbi Midge - yes good advice indeed, turns out my gut was right about every nasty little thing concerning Jehovah's so-called witnesses, thanks for taking the time to reply.
2018 Convention movie: Jonah.... oh my god it's bad......!
by stuckinarut2 inso, once again the society has produced a cringe-worthy, spew-inducing piece of "cinema".. i don't recognise this religion anymore...... enjoy this review:.
Rabbi Midge - " ...the biblical account is understood to be a satire."
Interesting you say that, as a JW we were taught the account (along with many others)is literal but I could not get past the humour of it I always thought Jonah was a very funny character imagined him with a George Constanza look and voice. Lol.
JWs are a joyless, humourless bunch that take these stories way too seriously so alas my laughing at bible characters and stories was not appreciated.
Things you didn't expect to like...
by sparrowdown instuff you never expected you would do or enjoy doing as a non-witness.... researching - always thought i hated study and reading turns out it was just wt literature i hated studying and reading.
having political opinions and just having opinons and beliefs that are not set in stone and that i am free to assess, review and adjust as i become more aware of imformation .
droping the f-bomb every now and again to make a point feels surprisingly good but that may just be post-religious rebellion that wears off... eventually.
Stuff you never expected you would do or enjoy doing as a non-witness...
Researching - always thought I hated study and reading turns out it was just WT literature I hated studying and reading
Having political opinions and just having opinons and beliefs that are not set in stone and that I am free to assess, review and adjust as I become more aware of imformation
Droping the f-bomb every now and again to make a point feels surprisingly good but that may just be post-religious rebellion that wears off... eventually
Horror movies (go figure)
Interview With An Apostate: Pale.Emperor
by pale.emperor intell us a little about yourself and your family.. 33yp guy from liverpool, england.
2nd generation, born in.
baptized at 19, left age 31. divorced with a 4yo daughter.
Good job PE, you've come a long way your progress has been noticeable.
Languages, Dialects, Accents
by LoveUniHateExams injust though i'd start a thread devoted to languages, dialects/sociolects and accents, with the idea being that posters can comment on any language, or dialect or accent of any language, on this thread.. any phrases, expressions or idioms that you find interesting are also welcome.
first, the subject of english accents came up on another thread.. the british isles have many different types of accent (although many of the dialects may be dying out), and if i start to take a closer look, i can't help but see 'patterns' .... in received pronunciation of standard english, the letter r is pronounced initially, between vowels, and after consonants, e.g.
red, arrow, break.
Barry - That video is hilarious thanks for the laugh!
by charonsdog inby the time i finish this post, i will have turned 50 years old.
i spent over 40 years of my life not celebrating my birthday, and it never seemed like a big deal to me.
three years ago, i received a cake and some friends sang "happy birthday" to me at a dinner party that was for a different event.
The big five o! Congrats happy birthday and have a good one!