My notes now would be like
M U S T st ay a wak e
Whilst awake MUST NOT develop convention induced tourettes syndrome!
someone on jwtalk has shared their convention notes (for those interested in a jw perspective).
jehovah’s people will experience hardships, so reliance on god is paramount!.
prayer is essential and vital for our spiritual well-being.
My notes now would be like
M U S T st ay a wak e
Whilst awake MUST NOT develop convention induced tourettes syndrome!
* "if you want people to remain loyal followers you have to keep them tired and poor" - jim jones, said to a trusted confidante.. sound like anyone we know???.
* from the book "a thousand lives" .
( as told by neil "great apostate" gardener) .
Ah yes, the ole "treat em mean and keep em keen" variant used by cults everywhere "keep em tired, poor, uneducated, guilty, fearful and confused and keep em loyal."
WTBTS proud keepers of the tradition and well versed in the art of how to create and keep braindead followers.
just seen on twitter: .
This is what an MK Utra glitch looks like. Lol.
try it it is fun.
"Cultural competence" is a thing now and all these rules that go with it for eg apparently it's not cool to ask about nationality, because... I don't know.. it's not "culturally competent" ???
the smart phone is a major factor in the changes that are happening in china's retail industry.
will your country also change?.
in the usa -
The internet of things is coming.
we've posted updated and new research on our history blog.
this is rough draft material for a chapter in vol.
V- So does your history and the WTBTS version of their history match up, agree ?
we've posted updated and new research on our history blog.
this is rough draft material for a chapter in vol.
i think it’s ridiculous to kick people and families out of a restaurant because of politics.
I heard some ridiculous absurd argument the other day about this incident, how did it go... oh yeah something about you have to shun "people like this" to send a message and a reminder so things wouldn't go back to the days of pre WWII and because Hitler.
Funny they didn't say that when some baker declined the business to bake a cake.
Honestly, the selective outrage would be hilarious if not really scary😫
videos from the summer jw conventions ("be courageous) show the "urgency" about the end racheted up several notches.
paranoia rules supreme!.
curiously, though, very few, if any, statements in the convention program about 1914 and the overlapping generations.
Ah Rutherford what a guy.
"Always wrong but never in doubt" should be on his tombstone.
we've posted updated and new research on our history blog.
this is rough draft material for a chapter in vol.
V - Do you think Russell and Rutherford were sincere christians just trying to do what the Lord "Jehovah" directed them to do ?
Has WT asked you to write this history, did you need help from them in some areas? Just wondering what WT think of it do they approve?