Sliced - yeah, I thought that too, silly me.
It's called fiction.
i thought this was all about the 18th century.
but its current or just post current times.
Sliced - yeah, I thought that too, silly me.
It's called fiction.
Prison? I spose it was inevitable really all child stars eventually grow up, rebel, turn to drugs and alcohol and end up getting arrested for DUI.
i thought this was all about the 18th century.
but its current or just post current times.
TD - the op talking about HT but I spose I could see a bizarre version of a puritanical dystopian future if current PC culture and attitudes contuinue to creep into every aspect of life and becomes law?
Not sure what me being a JW has to do with my subjective opinion of a fictional tv series, I assumed this thread was about the parallels between and the literal transformation of America into the reality of HT?
while searching for some jw related stuff online, i stumbled across this page created by a pimi.
his name is steve mcdowell and a watered down version of his story was published in the watchtower
however, this version, he says, is the full version.
Gerrit Loki, sorry I mean Lush, sorry I mean Losch would call this a "lie by omission."
i thought this was all about the 18th century.
but its current or just post current times.
The totalitarian dystopia part of HM is plausible the puritanical part - eh, not so much.
The complete dumbing down of the general population and a commercialized dystopia on the other hand like in Idiocracy - very plausible.
watchtower's leaked video.... watchtower's preaching initiative sift.
I didn't think elders were allowed to make up their own talks/plans anymore?
An explanation from whoever leaked it would be helpful.
has anybody seen the new online bible study yet, just posted yesterday i believe?
it's the first thing you see now when going to the home page.
the online bible study lessons on are free, have no obligation, and are easy to use.
Online BSs? Why am I not surprised?
this post is for the lurking dub.
the pimc (physically in, mentally confused) lurker dub.
the guy who reads the watchtower stuff and scratches his head, sure something is amiss but not sure of what’s really happening.. it may also be of some interest to those curious of the nuts and bolts of watchtower’s methods of scripture twisting.. in tonight’s “digging for spiritual gems: (8 min.
Jesus had clearly not formed a greedy-for-money, power hungry, UN affiliated, pedophile protecting, lying, scheming, scripture twisting false prophet publishing house/real estate business yet.....
excuse me, don't make sense to me.
what say you...
Oh I'm sorry, how careless of me, I forgot to say in my previous comment in my opinion.
Have JWs written mass letters in defense of the other groups banned in Russia?
What about gay people does WT care? Hmmm strangely silent.