"...the media constantly hounds them" ???
Since when? I don't see any evidence of "constant hounding"
https://www.wgal.com/article/jehovah-s-witness-event-met-with-protestors/22834659 .
"...the media constantly hounds them" ???
Since when? I don't see any evidence of "constant hounding"
https://www.wgal.com/article/jehovah-s-witness-event-met-with-protestors/22834659 .
I myself do not feel the need at this time to hold up signs outside a convention ( tho, if I or a family member had been abused I may well feel otherwise) but I respect the right to peaceful protest where the law allows and the courage it takes to do so.
Personally I think the best way to expose JWs to the wider population is by comedy and satire.
https://www.wgal.com/article/jehovah-s-witness-event-met-with-protestors/22834659 .
"Every little question" what about any question?
Who gives a f**k what JWs at large think. If you are still controlled by what JWs or XJWs at large think you would never do or say anything.
Regular normal people who don't have JW shut down brains don't know and can't fathom why JW's are such secretive arrogant freaks.
it's been a long way coming.
after 49 years as a jehovah's witness 3 of which in prison as a conscientious objector under very harsh conditions i have finally disassociated myself.
for the past 2 years, i have been partaking from the emblems and that led to an intense persecution, harassment, online stalking and defamation of character.
Good for you JDoc!
Welcome to your life.
https://www.wgal.com/article/jehovah-s-witness-event-met-with-protestors/22834659 .
Where exactly can anyone who has reasonable questions and concerns talk to WT reps or the GB and have an honest open discussion and be treated with dignity and respect ?
Oh yeah, that's right NoOne, NOWHERE, NOT EVER! Because there is NO avenue for recourse for victims or opportun ity for reporters to ask questions with this group of religio-thugs!
What about anyone who wants to praise up the Borg and repeat official statements?
Come on in and get the love bombing and a grand tour.
should i go to a judicial committee and perhaps get disfellowshipped?
should i talk to the elders just because they say they want to talk to me?
should i simply disassociate myself and have nothing to do with the organization?.
I don't believe you need to DA yourself to send the middle finger to the borg but I can see why some choose to.
I think for many it's more about the principle of resigning officially from a demonstrably wrong group and draws a thick black line under that chapter in their lives.
i thought this was a very interesting argument by robert king.
i liked the point he made about if israel had a prophet who spoke in the name of jehovah and it did not occur did this mean that the nation of israel was a false prophet or more so if the nation of israel sincerely believed it.
the answer to that is a resounding no because the nation of israel was god’s appointed nation.
Good points Bungi Bill.
Reminds me of the saying that goes something like..
"I thought my mind was my best feature until I remembered who told me."
"Consider the source."
The "Run Forest Run" convention has a nice ring to it.
we all know tony the turd has an obsession with boys in tight pants.
i cant help but wonder what he thought about brother nelson (aka.
prince) who was known to squeeze into some tight numbers from time to time?.
supposedly the society sent a letter out on march 14, 1997 to all elders contained an instruction that inadvertently admitted they had a big problem: “the body of elders should give the society a report on anyone serving or who formerly served in a society-appointed position in your congregation who is known to have been guilty of child molestation in the past.” .
can anyone here confirm/or not that this was a real letter that was sent to elders?.
Is it just me or is the phrase "consenting minor" seem oxymoronic and creepy as it is used in this letter.