Wouldn't they first need to admit they could be wrong? They know they're not wrong so why would they bother.
Worth a try though.
that is a question i want to calmly and politely ask a witness next time i interact with them.
perhaps at a cart.. "the bible says we should be humble.
may i ask, are you humble enough to admit you were wrong on things you believe?
Wouldn't they first need to admit they could be wrong? They know they're not wrong so why would they bother.
Worth a try though.
i think the wt will never give up this practice unless forced to by the courts, even if they are financially failing terribly they will keep it because the moment they do get rid of it the whole thing will collapse even faster and they know it(or afraid of it happening).
they have painted themselves into a corner of financial ruin.
LHG - I slow faded while maintaining friendliness. I was not DFed nor DAed. I don't think I could have faded in a "nicer" gentler way, yet, I am full on shunned.
If anything the WT's shunning policy gave these so-called friends and family the opportunity to reveal their true character or at least how little I meant to them. Did me a favor. Though, if any of them woke up and left the borg and decided to contact me I would be delighted for them of course but relationship wise I would have to cross that bridge if and when I come to it. If they decided to stay with the organization that is still telling them who they can talk to then no, I would not resume as if nothing had happened.
I don't get a creepy vibe from this pic of Sanderson, I've seen creepier pics of Lett.
if you have a look at the december broadcast on jw tv they tell you that they wont be showing you a normal format for december but the 143rd event of gilead because the watchtower does not have the resources other wise to translate it many different lanuages.. with all the cuts the watchtower have made and are going to make you would have thought that they would have lots of resources.
No broadcast for you instead we would like to wish you a ...
i think the wt will never give up this practice unless forced to by the courts, even if they are financially failing terribly they will keep it because the moment they do get rid of it the whole thing will collapse even faster and they know it(or afraid of it happening).
they have painted themselves into a corner of financial ruin.
I don't know if they can just drop the shunning policy and not be consequences for WT. It would be like opening the gates of the compound so people could come and go as they please. Shunning damages relationships sometimes irevocably. Would those that have been deeply hurt by the shunning even want to talk to their JW relatives and friends again?
What would be the alternative to a shunning policy for rule-lovers like JWs a non-shunning policy? Is it realistic to expect that people you discarded will just start talking to you again after years of persona non grata. Years you will never get back when you burnt those bridges.
Man what a can of worms would that open up amongst the congregations. I mean it would be nice to think if they just dropped shunning as an official policy everyone would play nice but somehow I don't think so.
I feel like even if they gave it up officially it would still be used as weapon on a personal level by many members. Face it there are some people who just like to use the silent treatment to get back at someone and blank people they don't like. It's actually harder to force people to talk to one another than it is to get them to not talk to someone as shunning only takes one party whereas talking takes two.
Conclusion : WT will give it up officially when it's in their best interest to do so, then and only then.
if you have a look at the december broadcast on jw tv they tell you that they wont be showing you a normal format for december but the 143rd event of gilead because the watchtower does not have the resources other wise to translate it many different lanuages.. with all the cuts the watchtower have made and are going to make you would have thought that they would have lots of resources.
They're probably just taking some production time off for the holidays.
i've been to the kingdom ministry school (for elders) recently and can report that it is mostly the usual mix of cliches and platitudes.
several letters where basically just read through one line at a time.
one point early on though almost made me laugh out loud.
CoCo - "...wouldn't it be sad to be a sightless double amputee?"
Yes but It would look great on a t-shirt.
Blind ampu - tees
FOR Jesus!
sir simon,.
how many dozen bloody times do i have to do the capcha thing before i get in.
one round of street signs or cars and that was it.
Some of the pics are just impossible to make out I just guess a lot of them and hope for the best.
I'm sure cyber hell is getting stuck in capcha forever lol.
for the december monthly broadcast instead of jws from around the world waving to you and items of how to shun people we will have to make do with repeats of of old gilead videos that have been on the jw website for a good while.
They'll never run out of content completely I don't think, they'll just hire some worldy content creators for the website and just say they're JW.
Besides, if they're good at anything it's recycling crapola. They've basically been adapting the same crap every decade for years now.
i have written some time ago, about how the religion i grew up in no longer exists.
i was an 80’s jw kid who became a pioneer then a bethelite.
they have new meetings, new elder roles, new acronyms, new core teachings, new songs and even a new bible.
...stop your cryin it's a sign of the times...