It's either a trap to get you to out yourself or a bluff to get you to go back.
Do not engage.
a little advice please.. it's now 7 months since i stopped going to meetings.
we still get regular calls by elders - at least every 2 weeks.
i can handle them.
It's either a trap to get you to out yourself or a bluff to get you to go back.
Do not engage.
on another post of mine someone replied with a twitter link showing these stills from the next movie to be shown at 2018's rc, about jonah.
not only is it very early for any leaks to be coming from the convention, but the images appear to be taken off of another screen, which leads me to believe someone behind the scenes leaked this against explicit directions.. also .
where's the agm video leak by now?
The story of Jonah a lesson in man-sulking and the original and the best "dude, I was eaten by a fish thiiiiiiiis big" stories.
i was writing about a friend of mine.
i'm a little curious if anyone else knows people like this too.. if personal inquiries were bullets then you’re charisma would be the stuff of ceramic plates and kevlar vests.
i say that because most of these charismatic people i know use their charm to relate to other people.
Sounds like you're describing narcissism.
many people of all denominations are beginning to believe that hell does not exist - but the bible supports the claim that it does.
examine this verse, one under nkjv and the other nwt:.
nkjv - matthew 25:46, "and these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.".
FYI Some great shows with a heaven and hell theme are The Good Place and Lucifer (Netfix).
today we get to see nick hanging with his fellow watchtower movie star and chorus member,.
hitting the dance floor,.
taking a swig,.
Very fishy indeed.
today we get to see nick hanging with his fellow watchtower movie star and chorus member,.
hitting the dance floor,.
taking a swig,.
i cannot find the report feature on the forum or has it been removed?.
in the past week or so poster jehovah lol appears to have re-posted as new his topic on jw talk.
i have checked and the posts are identical - perhaps not a big deal, but it's a little like internal spam.
Yeah, it happens to the best of us.
today we get to see nick hanging with his fellow watchtower movie star and chorus member,.
hitting the dance floor,.
taking a swig,.
Yeah and in the choir. He was in the video warning against a career in the music industry.
today we get to see nick hanging with his fellow watchtower movie star and chorus member,.
hitting the dance floor,.
taking a swig,.
He's a JWborg moviestar stuck.
today we get to see nick hanging with his fellow watchtower movie star and chorus member,.
hitting the dance floor,.
taking a swig,.
What a fiiiiine upstanding actor oops I mean "brother".
Yeah, this guy has Jehovah's witness written all over him.