Religion is actually very good at making the ambiguous concrete. I think religion loves ambiguity it does snow angels in all the ambiguity that abounds around anything "unprovable." Religion, whilst appearing black and white, and, some religions are more black and white than others, actually makes very clever usage of grey areas in people's minds, gaps in knowledge and the general uncomfortableness people have with ambiguity actually serves religion, scammers and confidence tricksters very well.
I was reading only recently about the "raven paradox" and I thought to my nutty little self wow stuff should make sense backwards and forwards of course it should. I always knew that and didn't know I knew that! Applying this to religious "theory" would help clear up any of the ambiguity religion likes to hide in and clear up any falsified "theory" put forth by black and white religions.
Generally speaking -of course 😊😉😆