At the end I prefered faking time.
The only bank the GB are robbing is JWs time and energy bank.
i am sitting here watching my pioneering wife get service time ‘writing letters’ to not-at-homes.
she has a long list of names and addressees where the jws in field service never got anyone home.
the letter is simply a word for word copy, handwritten on note paper, then sent in the usmail.
At the end I prefered faking time.
The only bank the GB are robbing is JWs time and energy bank.
anopther coup for cedars:
The way the borg uses fellow members to control each other's thoughts, words and behavior is despicable.
the news had macy's or some higher end store showing hijabs.
i made the mistake of showing wife.
her only comment was it was about time they made some modest clothing.
Clever actually. I'd say the hijab market would be a huge untapped market for mainstream fashion. So if they could make the hijab fashionable and cool for western women at the same time as marketing it to muslim women... wow hello new fashion trend.
i am sitting here watching my pioneering wife get service time ‘writing letters’ to not-at-homes.
she has a long list of names and addressees where the jws in field service never got anyone home.
the letter is simply a word for word copy, handwritten on note paper, then sent in the usmail.
Yeah, you imagine this serial killer sitting in their basement with pictures of you all over the wall lol!
anopther coup for cedars:
What about the part where the sister is talking about being "assigned" to a different cong and sister self-sighteous and sister no-backbone tell her "well I'm going where I'm told, so there you weak-ass bitch."
The elder from the back of hall notices the sisters "talking" and looks like he's about to march down there and break it up until sister's loyal and obedient "say the right thing."
They make out it's wrong to want to go to the same cong as your friends and family!
My god talk about orwellian.
i am sitting here watching my pioneering wife get service time ‘writing letters’ to not-at-homes.
she has a long list of names and addressees where the jws in field service never got anyone home.
the letter is simply a word for word copy, handwritten on note paper, then sent in the usmail.
Also, how incredibly creepy it must be to receive a handwritten letter from a complete stranger - I always thought.
i happen to be one of very few people who know of this condition that the man has.
he had an accident several years ago with some power equipment.
leviticus 21:20 commands that no man present the bread at the temple with damaged testicles... so?.
I think we're heading off into the realms of the ridiculous here people.
i happen to be one of very few people who know of this condition that the man has.
he had an accident several years ago with some power equipment.
leviticus 21:20 commands that no man present the bread at the temple with damaged testicles... so?.
I could absolutely imagine somebody trying to use it to take the guy out.
BUT, the CO and Bethel would have to be on board and I couldn't see it happening even though yes they do pick and choose OT rules as it suits them.
Yeah, love these my only critique to the clever creator would be enunciate more or get better voice talent otherwise very witty and welldone.
this tony morris is such a douchnozzle.
what a controlling asswipe.
watching him makes me want to punch him in the face, but also laugh out loud.