"She asks weird questions and gets angry" ???
Send her to the forum she'll fit right in.
Have a heart. After all you just asked us a weird question, and if the elder knew you came here you would be disfellowshipped too!
i'm pimo, very much against disfellowshipping, and going to a meeting leaves me feeling confused and angry at the best of times.
except an elder asked me on thursday night if i can start giving a ride to a disfellowshipped woman because she lives near me and nobody else from the hall lives in my village.
it seems the elder and his family who have been giving this woman a ride for the past six months can no longer stomach the time it takes them to go out of their way.. i thought all normal publishers weren't to have any contact with disfellowshipped people?
"She asks weird questions and gets angry" ???
Send her to the forum she'll fit right in.
Have a heart. After all you just asked us a weird question, and if the elder knew you came here you would be disfellowshipped too!
it's that time of year again.. trying to decide if i should or shouldn't.
Yeah, do it do it, partake partake partake....
starbucks conversation today.... "oh my god!
i recognize you!
"you-you're graham somebody...air supply...the tall one.
Oh yeah...I sorta see it.
Cute family btw or are they fake as well 🤔 lol just kidding.
what if a gb member all-of-a-sudden thought he was no longer anointed??.
what could possibly happen?
I think you overestimate what being annointed is. It's just another level to attain, a gate to go through for the purpose of keeping out the rif raf but at the end of the day means nothing it's an honorary club. If they had their eye on someone and needed them to be "annointed" for the purpose of promotion they'd just give them the "come in here dear boy have a cigar you're gonna go far" speech followed by "btw maybe you should consider "partaking" come memorial time old chap 😉😉"
i posted this on r/exjw, but i thought i might post it here as well.
so the elders in our kh are moving to get us to sign new simplified blood cards and keep them on file.
i really need to not rock the boat in my current pimo status because of circumstances.. my cousin knows i have doubts about the blood thing, but i can’t show her that my doubts are getting to me.
Are you crazy? Of course they have no powers over you legal or otherwise it's your life!
Just don't do it and don't tell if they scare you so much, it's nobody else's damn business.
well in order to shun someone you must dehumanize them much like what occurred in slavery.
dehumanizing someone now allows you treat them worst then an animal.
and now you can justify ignoring them there not human anymore.
Group shunning is very destructive psychologically as we are all hardwired to belong to our "tribe" for the sake of survival. Shunning and ostracism in some communities even today can mean death for the one being chased off. That's why the threat of shunning is a very powerful psychological weapon that works very effectively. Science knows it. WT knows it. We know it.
So what it has accomplished is keep people in fear and in the compound.
charity is lacking from the house of god.
i remember reading once about some young pioneer sisters who needed emergency accommodation and where turn away from brooklyn because they weren’t special pioneers.
charity begins at home..
According to their vow of poverty they sign bethelites are the poor and they feed themselves very well, starting from the top I'd say by the size of some of the GB members.
It's called trickle down food distribution.
i met a wonderful man on match.com several months ago.
on our first date, there was amazing chemistry and we ended up having sex.
it was not planned, it just happened.
I don't know what kind of JW family this is but Jehovah's witnesses are not allowed to have sex outside of marriage even with themselves - it's a serious sin for them.
the owner of the used apple store in derry new hampshire has put on his facebook that republicans are evil and they are not welcome in his store.
he has done tv interviews now saying that republicans simply should not try to come in and he can generally tell if someone is a republican.
it is interesting that a business owner can bar someone because of their political opinions but if a business owner conscientiously couldn’t make a cake for a gay couple,they are in legal jeopardy..
What about purples?
i am a born in jw for over 30 years now and have been in various positions in the organization.
now i'm guessing most of us recognize that older generations tend to be more fundamental and less reasonable when it comes to their outlook and beliefs.
i find this to mirror the differences you see outside of the organization as well (older people less tolerant of other religions, newer technology, lgbt, etc.).
If by "less fanatical" you mean less factual and not giving a f*** then, yes, I agree, they are. I doubt they could debate that water is wet, because they would be too afraid of getting wet to do so.
But, to be fair the "less fanatical" 😉 thing isn't confined to JW young people it's everywhere. There seems to be an epidemic of mentally lazy and super-sensitive these days. Not a good combination I might add.