Operating a School = regulations regarding working with children and probably all sorts of other regulatory criteria.
Laws and procedures WT do not nor have ever abided by. Naughty WT.
gdpr congregation record of processing activities: https://1drv.ms/f/s!amcrvjcxi6m6gx7oc1gksxolaeae.
...and associated files.... .
letter to boe dated january 6, 2017: https://1drv.ms/b/s!amcrvjcxi6m6gxyqlciog-dt815_.
Operating a School = regulations regarding working with children and probably all sorts of other regulatory criteria.
Laws and procedures WT do not nor have ever abided by. Naughty WT.
... well, obviously not rey (daisy ridley) from the latest star wars films.
she's a complete mary sue.
but, before hollywood tried to force sjw propaganda down our throats, there were lots of powerful, legit female characters in film.. here are some of my favourites .... ripley (sigourney weaver): i though this character was great.
I loved Angelina Jolie in SALT - great movie also btw.
i'd like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome our newest jw apologist jtrottigy.
he'll likely only be here for a few days like most jw defenders before he runs away when presented with his own doctrine.. so far he's already said some hilarious stuff, like "there's no such thing as nepotism in jehovah's organisation", "confidentiality is paramount to elders" and, my personal favourite "the overlapping generation is so simple to understand".. yh don't think i don't remember you from jwtalk..
Hey and while you're over there at JWCrapTalk reporting on us reporting on you, tell them to get their own apostate web site this one is for true apostates - lol.
... well, obviously not rey (daisy ridley) from the latest star wars films.
she's a complete mary sue.
but, before hollywood tried to force sjw propaganda down our throats, there were lots of powerful, legit female characters in film.. here are some of my favourites .... ripley (sigourney weaver): i though this character was great.
Re Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Totally agree, such a strong, powerful character.
The hollywood version was fantastic the actress who played Lizbet was unrecognizable in appeareance as the character and soooo unassumingly badass.
i'm writing for some advice from former jws.
my family is christian, and my 15yo daughter is "dating" a jw boy.
(the quotes are because they aren't old enough to actually go out on dates... they consider themselves bf/gf and have hung out and gone places with each other, but always with parents, family, etc.
Hi CP, you have good reason to be concerned.
Jehovah's Witnesses are a high control religion that interferes with every aspect of a member's life. They take the bible very literally and males are considered the "head" of the woman so if this boy's family are "strong" in the faith that's how their household would be structured. They refuse blood transfusion even in event of an emergency. They discourage strongly higher education and keeping company with anyone not a witness, who they refer to as "worldly". Dating at such a young age would be frowned upon but dating a "worldy" person a definite no-no.
Ask questions if you can and of course we can try to answer any specifics here.
Glad you have started researching as their website is total dishonest PR spin.
has anyone been able to verify that fred franz received the minimal training in ancient greek that he claimed gave him the expertise to translate the bible?
you would think that would be fairly easy to verify or disprove in this day and age.
what college did he attend?
I don't know if hearsay evidence of seeing someone at a museum qualifies as evidence of formal qualification.
Circumstantial, at best
... well, obviously not rey (daisy ridley) from the latest star wars films.
she's a complete mary sue.
but, before hollywood tried to force sjw propaganda down our throats, there were lots of powerful, legit female characters in film.. here are some of my favourites .... ripley (sigourney weaver): i though this character was great.
Agree with you about Ripley LUHE and she did it all by using her brain and figuring things out in minimum costume and make up for the whole movie. Many of todays "girl power yaaay" heroes kick ludicrous amounts of ass in high heels, and/or perfect hair and make up and zero sweat, brains and muscle mass!
As if!
the guy everyone loves to hate, bob, has come up with a classic:.
redefining the concept of "critical thinking" when it comes to jws.. he quite correctly states the need to use critical thinking when reading the bible, yet we all know that pimi jws don't have the first clue what "critical thinking" really means, especially on a thread fawning over how great the gb are and guessing who will be presenting the next jwb!.
the link to the actual comment is:.
Jw's think critical thinking = bitchin bout the borg.
today the dutch house of representatives unanimously voted to petition the government to start an investigation into jw child abuse issues.. the request from the house of reps. came after jw nl refused to listen to repeated and serious requests from the government to start an independent investigation themselves.. now it's up to the government to either accept the request by the house of reps. and start an investigation, or refuse to do so and explain to the house why.
it appears the minister of justice is not unwilling to start an investigation though.... collection of dutch news items here.
Cue WT's standard response.
David Splaine with a whiteboard, a pointer and a list of the three D's of fighting child abuse accusations.
sunday my old bethel roommate came up to visit me.
he left a couple years ago and he wanted to catch up and reminisce.. while we sat back remembering crazy things we saw take place at bethel he reminded me of a creepy instance with bro.
swingell.. it was a saturday morning and we decided to actually go get breakfast.
I didn't realize kimonos were considered "drag".
The upstairs neighbour in Breakfast at Tiffany's wore one all the time and he was just racist not transvestite (lol, that's called a joke).
What it is evidence of is a toxic heirarchy and who not to criticize. Yes a red flag that all is not what it seems at the big house.
I have no sympathy for bethelites full stop, but surely just being there for any length of time would send anyone a bit "eccentric".
Though it sounds more like to me he figured he had earned the right to not give a f**k.