So like all of WT's claims of "qualification" and legitmacy his "qualifications" as a "scholar" in Hebrew and bible greek were seriously pimped then. No surprises there.
JoinedPosts by sparrowdown
Fred Franz Former Training in Ancient Greek
by Wild_Thing inhas anyone been able to verify that fred franz received the minimal training in ancient greek that he claimed gave him the expertise to translate the bible?
you would think that would be fairly easy to verify or disprove in this day and age.
what college did he attend?
If the Gov. where you live outlawed the JWs would you turn in your family?
by blownaway ini guess it would depend for me.
some of my family i would take out bill boards pointing to them.
many of the elders it would be he is over there and set off a neon sign.
If JWs were banned and I knew of ones that were still witnessing etc I would take pics and blackmail them - nah, just kidding. -
Anyone pissed at their parents for raising you in the cult?
by blownaway inmy mother was not the most emotionally stable person.
she was a follower and instilled in me the idea we were better than those worldly people.
its hard to go to school as a child and you can not be friends outside of school, you can not celebrate any holidays, and you are told all these people are going to die.
I think one of the signs of maturity is when you realise that your parents like everybody else on the planet are flawed individuals as a result of their upbringing and genetics.They had their own shit from their own parents to work out and get together and like all of us some of us are able to get our shit together, some of us are not and the rest of us are working on it.
Becoming a parent doesn't automatically make all your baggage go away, and often that's when the baggage comes home to roost and the decisions they made were them attempting to deal with their baggage in a way that wasn't the most healthy but seemed like the right thing to do at the time, or maybe, they just didn't know any better.
Also assigning today's knowledge and sensibilities to past generations is a bit unfair, 20/20 hindsight makes us all enlightened.
Hopefully each gen learns something from the mistakes of the past gen and does a little bit better but even the best of parents will leave some scars on their children and them in turn will leave some on their children.
Shit happens it's what you do with it that counts.
Youtube videos doing the JW rounds. Gods name
by pleaseresearch inso here in the uk this video is getting jws very excited.
now my mum actualy said it wa funny to hear jw music at the start and finish.
so i'm wondering if the watchtower had any input into this.
Who knows how many guises and six degrees of seperation pies WT has it's slimy fingers in.
Nothing would surprise me any more - nothing.
Re: the woman parking attendants and real life
by carla inwith much amusement i read the thread on women parking lot attendants and it got me to thinking about life at home for the average jw.. i believe i am correct in thinking that anything to do with jw-ism requires a penis, except all the leg work (fs & pioneers).
meaning the mic's, talks, etc... but yet the same guy who thinks his wife (or any other woman) is not bright enough to run the sound system for example doesn't mind his wife hauling hay, digging in the yard, managing the checkbook and other various physical jobs as well as jobs that do in fact require a brain larger than that of a gnat?.
let's say a guy is a bit technologically challenged but he can manage the sound system at the kh ok. i imagine he feels proud that he is getting to do this great privilege?
I saw the video where it said sisters can used to assist the attendants and it seemed to be in the context of helping disabled females and children out of cars when they arrive at the convention. They have always used female "attendants" in "Mothers and Babies" dep (I was one) with a brother "overseeing" from outside (bizarre!) apparently because women can't be left alone to feed and change their own babies.
And yes, I knew many couples where the hubbie was indifferent to congregation privileges and appointments but was pushed forward by a very ambitious wife.
Favourite female heroes in film ...
by LoveUniHateExams in... well, obviously not rey (daisy ridley) from the latest star wars films.
she's a complete mary sue.
but, before hollywood tried to force sjw propaganda down our throats, there were lots of powerful, legit female characters in film.. here are some of my favourites .... ripley (sigourney weaver): i though this character was great.
Let's not forget the funny ladies...
Madeline Kahn as Elizabeth in Young Frankenstein (that's Frunkensteen!)
Favourite female heroes in film ...
by LoveUniHateExams in... well, obviously not rey (daisy ridley) from the latest star wars films.
she's a complete mary sue.
but, before hollywood tried to force sjw propaganda down our throats, there were lots of powerful, legit female characters in film.. here are some of my favourites .... ripley (sigourney weaver): i though this character was great.
Frances McDormand in Three Billboards. -
Dutch House of Representatives formally requests the government to start an investigation re. JW child abuse
by Anders Andersen intoday the dutch house of representatives unanimously voted to petition the government to start an investigation into jw child abuse issues.. the request from the house of reps. came after jw nl refused to listen to repeated and serious requests from the government to start an independent investigation themselves.. now it's up to the government to either accept the request by the house of reps. and start an investigation, or refuse to do so and explain to the house why.
it appears the minister of justice is not unwilling to start an investigation though.... collection of dutch news items here.
That's interesting, wake me.
Sometimes "no truer word spoken in jest."
Welcoming Our Latest JW Apologist JTrottigy
by pale.emperor ini'd like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome our newest jw apologist jtrottigy.
he'll likely only be here for a few days like most jw defenders before he runs away when presented with his own doctrine.. so far he's already said some hilarious stuff, like "there's no such thing as nepotism in jehovah's organisation", "confidentiality is paramount to elders" and, my personal favourite "the overlapping generation is so simple to understand".. yh don't think i don't remember you from jwtalk..
Now now, you know you can't partake of the table of JWdotBorg and the table of XJWdemons Trolligy.
Holy spirit
by mrssauk inwhat is the difference (if any) between being guided by holy spirit and being inspired by holy spirit?
is it just semantics?.
I think to be "inspired" carries the connotation of some sort of divine phrophetic download of information through dream or voice or sign/ miracle ie burning bush, road to Damascus moment etc whereas "guided" is meant to imply following bible principles that were "spirit inspired" but it's deliberately misleading the way they use both expressions.
Playing semantics for the sake of arse saving, they are making sure they don't get caught out claiming to be prophets.