I remember an experience where a pioneer couple finished up their field service and realized they had nothing to eat for that day. Then they spotted a field of dandelions so they gathered the greens. They were sooo greatful that Jehovah had provided their food for the day.
JoinedPosts by Bonnie_Clyde
Happy District Convention Experience - "Our Pioneer family ate food from the gutter."
by Witness 007 inyes how impressed i was 3 years ago at the district convention no less, when a pioneer family came out kids and all...the talk was on "sacrifice.
" the parents saying how dad works part-time in a crap job just for petrol money and bare necessities!
they relate how one day after witnessing the had no money left due to car repairs for food, but.....jehover provides...a vegetable truck must have taken a corner too fast and dropped some produce in the gutter....dinner said the pioneer kids....jehovahs blessing on us!.
The Biggest B.S. stories you've heard from a talk
by superman ina few years ago at a convention, they related a story of a jw who was shot during service.
but rather then stop and get medical attention (like a normal person would have done) they moved on to the next door to finish the street.
when they got to the house the householder just so happened to be a (you guessed it) nurse!
From a public talk given by a visiting speaker at our KH - A young man from Africa (I believe) was thrown out of the house by his non-witness parents because he was getting baptized as a witness. He was impoverished, but nevertheless started pioneering. He had nothing to eat for a week, but he was still happy that he was in the ministry. Then he was assigned to the local Bethel home, but he felt guilty about eating three meals a day, so only partook of one per day.
For those that were/are SINGLE in the ORGANIZATION, did anyone encourage you to marry a WEIRD JW?
by BonaFide inbizzybee's comment about the elders encouraging her at 19 to marry the 40+ yr old widow with 4 kids made me remember similar stuff.. the elders encouraged me as a young brother to stay single.
some of the younger sisters seemed to like me, but the friends in the congregations i visited always wanted me to marry the weird ones.
they called them "spiritual.
I keep hearing too many sisters and not enough brothers. Around here, It's just the opposite--at least in the last few years.
The new book released at the Convention has a photo of the current GB members
by BonaFide ini will try to scan the photo tomorrow and put it on here.. i read some of the book today, it makes direct connections between the first century and jw's now.. for example:.
the book talks about the apostles and says, 'after jesus death, they took the lead, becoming the governing body of that time.".
congregations of that time - jw congregations today.
So what's the name of the new book?
The new book released at the Convention has a photo of the current GB members
by BonaFide ini will try to scan the photo tomorrow and put it on here.. i read some of the book today, it makes direct connections between the first century and jw's now.. for example:.
the book talks about the apostles and says, 'after jesus death, they took the lead, becoming the governing body of that time.".
congregations of that time - jw congregations today.
So what's the name of the new book?
Congregation "Bible Study" Comments - Week Commencing 25 May 2009
by LUKEWARM in.. resisting the spirit of the world.
what is the spirit of the world, and how does that spirit operate in a person?.
7 another way that christians keep separate from the world is by resisting its evil spirit.
Thanks for all your hard work. I've just started reading that book. The title sounds good, "Keep Yourselves in God's Love." But it's just their opportunity to impose their rules and regulations.
Andersinfo: Swingle - Sydlik - Fekel - Jackson
by TheOldHippie insince you've known quite a few of the gb members etc., and mentioned that when jaracz entered a room, sydlik would leave, i'd like to ask you about sydlik - what was your impression of him?
it seems he was sort of a reformist without enough power, but i've also read that some say he had a less glamorous role at the 1980 events?.
and then swingle, of whom i've heard nothing but nice things - your impression?.
Swingle was the guest speaker at a special assembly day several years ago (middle 80's I think), and he ran 45 minutes over time--he just rambled on and on.
AGAIN with the college bashing
by Pistoff inok so the mate took good notes at the ca and here is the newest on "higher education:.
the usual bashing of motives: those who want great wealth, prestige and seek it in a college educationcollege graduates don't always get jobs in their fieldsdrugs, drinking and sex are "rampant" at collegesthose who want to "snatch us away" are near if we go to college (isa 54)if we seek a college education, we are not spiritual mindedthe most disturbing for me was this:.
those who choose college will not get blessings from jehovahand of course there was the obligatory interview with the college graduate who disdains the education whe received.. .
Why I'm Happy Ted Jaracz {governing body} is dying! Comments?
by Witness 007 inhe was responsible for the child abuse mess and voted on the blood, organ transplant, nuetrality issues which killed many faithful witnesses and left others with serious mental problems.
he was from all accounts rude, arrogant and i believe he would have sacrificed witness children an an altar if he thought it would help the "mother" organisation as he called it.
he is the ultimate brainwashed freak who would step on brothers knecks just to make sure things are "theocratic.
But what nightmare will replace him?
You're right. I believe the newer GB members, especially, have been cloned to be just like him. I'm specifically referring to Loesch and Herd.