Here are some notes a JW sent me re comments about the new song book at the annual meeting.
"It was announced a few weeks ago that during Annual Meeting we would use the new song books for the first time, so that was great. But there was another surprise for us... Instead of singing along to pre-recorded music there was a live chorus! This was a group of about 30 brothers and sisters on stage that sung along as a sister played the song through a piano (also on stage). They were directed by Brother David Splane of the Governing Body.. The chorus would sing the song and then Brother Splane would ask us to sing. It was very beautiful hearing the new songs, especially when the chorus would sing (they were amazing!). Brother Splane mentioned that the Governing Body was very involved in the making of the new song book.They had to approve of every song and every stanza.Then the Brother said, "If the Governing Body was involved in the making of this book, isn't it in reality spiritual food?...What should be our attitude towards it?" That really got everyone to see that singing is an important part of our worship to Jehovah."
The whole reason for the new book was to glorify the GB.