"Fortunately, my son and wife have recovered and are doing well, and I see them happier than ever since leaving the org. I ask myself, why in the world did I ever join? But, when I search for that answer, I knew it was because, it appeared they had answers to certain questions that I never thought that could get answered. At first it appeared that the love poured in when you first entered, BUT once in the org it all felt different. I wish I had more insight at that time."
Anator, Clyde and I had the same experience. Actually our marriage was falling apart, the kids seemed to be going their separate ways. We now don't see the need of any religion although we still feel that we are spiritual persons. Our sons and their families feel the same way and all of this has drawn us closer together as a united family. We've often disussed, there is only one thing in the Bible that really matters--the two great commandments, to love God and neighbor.