And how much years did ADAM and EVE in there common life in Eden, how comes that they didn’t had at least one kid in knowing that the first thing that God told them was "Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth …” ???
And by the way I’d like to know why God would need to rest? This is so human (what’s being OMNIPRESENT/OMNISCIENT = OMNI-EVERYWHERE and OMNI-AWAKE ? NO?
What kind of relationship did Jesus have with GOD?
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" this sentence of Jesus himself, can have lots of interpretations (if the story is true) let me try two of them
1) Jesus was an illuminated corresponding in a lots of points to what had been prophesied and which at this precise moment fell like Oooops something’s wrong !!!
2) He is the son of God (now that becomes complicated and that can even become very doubtful): Even though he had recover his memory of its former life when he get baptised (with all that that implies in the reasoning) JESUS HIMSELF DOUBTS! Should he ? I guess not. He was there from the beginning? First born of God !
Moreover (Detail which can have its importance): He wasn’t dead yet when said it. Why should he have doubted about anything? Was it a last message for him to say "you screwed me! " Or Perhaps he was thinking that God won’t let him suffering (as well as human !!!). Maybe both …
Maybe he was thinking : I going down to earth to sacrifice myself, but my father will make so that I won’have to suffer badly. (humans do !). Note that in this case Jesus was well briefed about the fact that he would have to suffer for real! (Thanks Dady !!!)
Jesus he supposed to know every details of our anatomy and inevitably the functions of each nerves and should know at which point we can suffer, and our history seems to be the DIVINE interest if we believe them. How much time did they discuss the matter! So this is not logical!
Then if he really said it, in spite of its past with God, does Jesus feel like God is reliable? !!! Now we can have an idea about why many angels choose to follow satan … instead of God ! … those are really terrible thoughts … don’t you think ! BUT …
Jesus by saying this gives credit to all those which rebelled! At God’s place I would mention this in the bible its too DOUBTFUL. Unless he takes us for morons? In which we are allowed to wonder whether he created us or not?
Now, if this scripture haven’t been dictated by God, to me this have been mentioned on purpose in the bible? It’s a way to say: See my people, even Jesus have doubted! So it’s normal that you doubt. Sorry ! I say that this is not normal. He was the first the closest relationship of God, why would he have thought that God could forsake him? As we can see Jesus have some troubles in his relationship with God … in this case ! an Inconsistency remain an inconsistency (period)
Sorry to me, this God is not fair, he only gives credit to "evil", means the right to exist and to act. Everybody knows that sowing evil, you will collect evil? To sow: Is the term adapted enough as regards the forbidden fruit? The incoherence started here !!!
What’s about Job … 7 years of suffering (morally and physically) just FOR A BET !!! (Thanks Dad !) why a story like that in the bible ? … Means : see my people, even if you’re pure, if God don’t answer your prayers, means that satan in the way (you’re so pure that he wants to keep you from God ! less God answer your prayers more your pure maybe !!! … IT SUCKS ! Who would do that to a nice kid ! WHO? Maybe Job was a trial before Jesus … Thanks to Job then … cause maybe God would have change his mind about Jesus sacrifice …
Jesus did not suffer as much as Job in his great sacrifice, he is not even the only martyr we have heard about worst stuff, in the whole history of the humanity, with or without any reason.
A loving God would have say something like that to Satan … Listen you jocker, don’t even try … or I’ll kick your but right NOW ! and I’ll will rebate 77 times 7 days (of God means, we don’t know how much) of your life you MF !
Where is GOD’S GREAT POWER ! Is he so weak psychologically??? This is simply unbelievable. Satan can get everything he wants from him … what about the nice people (hum?)
Other stuff:
Exodus 21: 1 "Now these are the ordinances which you shall set before them.
Let’s see how loving this God is …
Exodus 21: 2 "If you buy a Hebrew slave, he shall serve six years and in the seventh he shall go out free without paying anything.
Ok now we know that God agree slavery … (interesting) … And what’s the ordinances if the slave is not Hebrew … hum ? … More fun maybe … a bit imagination please …
This is racism, division (master and servant), and injustice !
It would have is enough preaching right remuneration and prohibiting slavery to avoid the suffering that it imposed to a multitude of human beings. This is not a detail ! Ah Yeah I’ve forgot …Justice is for later, after you death kids in paradise. Well Once that you will have died, if it’s for good, you will not be able to check …
Authorized slavery only let rich people to take advantage on poor people … Why, so that rich people can give more to the temple … Why should God need monney !!! hum ?
Exodus 21: 4 “If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be her master's, and he shall go out by himself”
Ok … now we know that God is CAPITALIST
More now :
Exodus 21: 12-13 "One who strikes a man so that he dies shall surely be put to death, but not if it is unintentional, but God allows it to happen: then I will appoint you a place where he shall flee.
Exodus 21: 20-21 "If a man strikes his servant or his maid with a rod, and he dies under his hand, he shall surely be punished. Notwithstanding, if he gets up after a day or two, he shall not be punished, for he is his property.
Well I can’t handle this !!! This is too much … Can anybody tell me what it is all about (WHERE IS THE JUSTICE ?) It’s only about CAPITALISME and INCOHERENCES.
Sorry I just can’t believe in this S… anymore … (So Jah as well)
Little stuff:
Considering what God admit for Job, perhaps it is at this time that Jesus with understood what would go on (for him). He may asked his father to make sure that he wont suffered that much! Then Ooops ! "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" You thought you were going to Dysney World or what? Yeah I’m screwing you like everybody … My son !
David: A whole novel. 300 wifes, 800 concubines, why not 1100 wives. Legal at least, if not ... much bastards ... Yes but bastards of the KING! So what? Do you think this guy was able to satisfied all his wifes … is this a command or not?
Did David have anything more significant to do than married 300 women and claim for 800 concubines? PFFFFF ... Just picture it! And have fun …