I haven't followed much the watchtowers activity since leaving. But are they now accepting 15min interval field service times? Wow. i remember a time shortly after being consider a "publisher" I had a conversation with an elder that went something like this:
elder: hey Maat how is it going? How is the family?
me: great, things have been real hard with the new baby and the young one.
elder: i understand, keep doing all you can to give praise to Jehovah.
me: yes I am doing all that I can.
elder: by chance did you turn in your field service report for last month at the meeting today?
me: you know I forgot I had to hurry after meeting. My time was ( I dont remember the exact number) and 15 minutes.
elder: ok thanks, just record the WHOLE hours only. Not the 15 minutes.
me: (confused)...what about the 15minutes?
elder: the society only wants us to report in whole hours. Take that 15minutes and add it to 45 minutes next month.
me: why? That would technically be a lie on my monthly report because I'm reporting time from this month on next month's report. I thought the society wanted accurate reporting? many people with 15minutes adds up to many hours of total time over the course of year.
elder: that's how the society wants it.
me: OK
After this conversation, a seed was planted. A simple question was imbedded into my mind. "If these men are asking me to lie about my time in the ministry, then what else will I be asked to be untruthful about?"...
I'm on this board because I found many other things that just didn't sit well....