Hi Terri,
I would definitely attend.
i have been talking to steve hassan who is the author of 'combatting cult mind control" about coming to london for a 3 day event in autumn 2009. initially the idea was to make it all about jehovah's witnesses and support for those having left the religion and leaving their jw issues behind them.
we may make this an event for ex-cult members in general, but there will be a big section specifically catering to the issues surrounding the jw organisation, leaving it and life after it.
the cost of steve being there and flying to london; will be shared amongst those attending, so there will be a ticket price for the event, which i will figure out later when i've got an idea of how many will be likely to attend.. .
please dont comment saying to "run" or "get out while i can" thank you im not new to this, so i can handel it.
i have been with my boyfriend for 3 years, we started dating in high school and now i am going to college and he is working.
i am 20 and he is 21, i was raised catholic but my mom and i are too open minded for the church so we left.
I haven't read every post, but I had to jump in.......
Take my word for it - love and marriage between a JW and a non-JW is very difficult and very often it doesn't work. My husband will always put the org first. If I ask him to give me a lift somewhere, he will check to see whether it conflicts with a meeting or his precious service. A few weeks ago, I was very ill (I was actually hospitalised) and he still went on the service rather than accompany me to hospital - he really doesn't care. He will go out of his way to give lifts to sisters so they get to the group and to meetings, but I had to get a bus to the hospital to have tests. Do you really want this? Is this the life you want?
Btw - I have skin cancer. Does he care? No! He says that this gives him hope that he will see me in the new system (because I'll be dead before Armageddon - his words, not mine)
i don't know if it's only our congregation or every congregation was the same, but no door to door was organized on christmas day.
that was the only day of the year that the jw's in our area wouldn't go pest people.. wonder why?
I have to just say that I am not a very bright JW and Ieft some time ago - the thing is - there are so many on here who spend their months and years researching so much and my heart goes out to you poeple - i am not a scholar and you have given me what no amount of secular educacation could have given me and i love you for that- you may never get to know me amd i may never get to know you - but i do love you xxxxx
I think I went in chat last night (I may be mistaken) and I can't remember what I said. If I offended anyone, I apologise. I hade one wine too many because a dear friend has cancer at the age of 25 - she has a 3 year old a an 18 month old - ain't life a bitch. Thye have given her 3 months.
Sorry if I offended anyone - I'm all cried out.
Thinking of you too - Dansk - you hang on in there babe!
how sorry i was to hear from dansk-he is going through a very difficult time.. i would like all prayers, thoughts, please keep this in mind ____ for me!!!!.
the sad news he has cancer.it is lymphoma!!!
they are waiting on the results of the biopsy before determining treatment..... he didnt want me to say anything at first- as he feels you all have your own problems & he didnt want to upset anyone-because he says "they are dear friends".
When I first read this post, I really wanted to reply, but everybody else puts it so much better than me. Plus I couldn't stop crying - I am a real wimp!
You were one of the people that helped me make my decision to leave the WTS. You have always come across as a strong, 'say-it-how-it-is' sory of guy and I am honoured to know you.
My sister is a herbalist and she speaks about this fruit/veg drink that people with cancer take and it is apparently very good. I'll get the details and PM you. I am a sincere believer that we can fight off illness through diet - I know the most important foods for this sort of thing are broccoli and oranges (apparently) if I PM you and get your address I will send you the catalogue where this stuff can be ordered.
Take care and stay strong - you really are on my thoughts all the time. A dear friend of mine (she is only 19) is going throgh similar circumstances and we are trying her on the organic drink. It may work for her - it may work for you.
I am sending lots of positive thought your way and I am praying (to something - I'm not sure what).
I hope you and your family stay positive - you'll beat this - I know you will.
Warmest love