SIR2 - Why put yourself in a position to lie? Just back out so you can have a Clearer conscience. However, if you are comfortable strategizing how to sabotage their oranizational arrangments for conducting this campaign, and putting yourslef in a position to be dishonest.....strategically, it is no one's business but yours and is between you and Jehovah.
As a still-in JW who is doubting and having issues with the hypocrits I see at the hall, and among the appointed ones, your stand reminds me of what has led me, in part, to where I am now.....seeing and or hearing about hypocrisy among the appointed - MS, Elders, Etc.
I'm having troubel with all of this myself, but for my own conscience, I cannot put myself in a position to lie. I never liked titles, so never subscribed to pursuing AP or P even if I had the hours. Now, I cannot bring myself to do any FS as I cannot make sense of where I am right now with answering certain questions if asked. I am still firm on faith in God and Jesus, but I'm seeing too much hypocrisy, legalism, ignoring of atrition rate/elderly/sick (unless they are e/e-w/ms/ms-w).
My fade strategy is not working too well. I am feel I'm being pushed to just not attend so I can avoid all the questions. I just can't seem to keep my mouth shut but I'm working on it. I am where I am and I fully embrace it for better or worse. I just don't want to be DA or DF but I will not be coerced to do FS if I am not comfortable. PERIOD.
Vindictive thoughts can be amusing sometimes, but really is doing something vindictive the morally correct thing to do? Even if you are mad, no longer believe, or confused, why add to potential internal conscience issues? Why not be true to yourself without compromising your integrity?
To clarify, it is not the placing of JW Facts with people that I oppose, it is taking territory you know you will not use or use in a way differently than you made clear your intention was. That is not being true. Why not just back out. If you want to spread JWFacts, you can do it anytime you want, with your own territory. Let them do what they want with their literature and just choose not to have a part. That is what I am doing.
Live and let live.