I think I am definitely an "old soul". I too feel recycled, and am going through more now-I still have much to learn, but am struck by how much I do know now at my age. It is not an uncommon thing for me to hear "You are so fortunate to have learned that so young". Also, when around other people close in age, I seem to be so much more mature in some things..not bragging here, but it strikes me as odd sometimes that we don't relate as equals even though we often are in age.
Gumby, I meant to post on your "Ghost" thread, but have had major doodoo flying around at my house lately, and it's not ghosts! However, ALL of my life I have heard spirits (the dead) and have seen a few as well. Part of my childhood I was raised in the Southwest, and was taken to a lot of Indian ruins. I distinctly remember that being the first time I heard other people talking. I must have been about 6. To me, they just lived there, and it was perfectly normal to hear them and know that they were there. It was only when I realized that others could not hear them as I did that I became afraid and questioned what was to later be discovered as quite a gift. Sometimes irritating for sure, but now I know there are many people just like me. All this is to say that I think being an "old soul" has everything to do with why I have this gift.
mystic mobbie...rofl...