"It was just her time to leave honey, and a lady always knows when to leave"...
Cicely Tyson in "Fried Green Tomatoes"...
here is how it works -- i will start -- i am going to give a line from a film -- the person who replies has to guess the film and then they have to give a new line from any film they choose - and the next person has to guess that film and then they post a line i will start.
"son your ego is writing checks your body can't cash"
"It was just her time to leave honey, and a lady always knows when to leave"...
Cicely Tyson in "Fried Green Tomatoes"...
here is how it works -- i will start -- i am going to give a line from a film -- the person who replies has to guess the film and then they have to give a new line from any film they choose - and the next person has to guess that film and then they post a line i will start.
"son your ego is writing checks your body can't cash"
"It was just her time to leave honey, and a lady always knows when it's time to leave..."
here is how it works -- i will start -- i am going to give a line from a film -- the person who replies has to guess the film and then they have to give a new line from any film they choose - and the next person has to guess that film and then they post a line i will start.
"son your ego is writing checks your body can't cash"
oops...sorry! see below
Alongside the forest trails, a pool or hotsprings (not too hot!) and one of my favs...
the tiny 1/2 bath that allowed alot of ummm...'support' for good positions, and of course the mirror for more viewing pleasure!
It's Springtime!
i believe they are "cultlike" but i don't think they are a "cult"........and you?
Great posts-especially from Farkel....
My .02 worth...YES.
are you highly sensitive?
guest article by jenna avery, clc, life coach for sensitive souls
do you often feel overwhelmed by your environment or the people around you?
YEP-me 150%
I have tried to explain to people that it is like walking around with a sattelite dish on your head because I pick up so much, and then being psychic, empathic, and all the rest...PHEW! Nice to know we are finally being affirmed for who we are, and not just told we are any number of "things". It is EXHAUSTING, and I have finally learned after all these years how to "switch some of it off" and put that "barrier" around myself when needed. Good article and GREAT thread...BTW, I am in the arts, highly creative and couldn't function very well without!
mystic mobbie
this poll is inspired by comments on maverick's spoiled women thread.
it's a sincere poll and i hope to see at least some intelligent comments here.
are you currently married or coupled to/with a american/canadian/british/european/scandinavian who is also a white/caucasion male?
back in the 90s (i think it was '96?
) was the first time i punched in "jehovah's witnesses" on google.
the "generation" change had finally flipped me, and i knew in my heart that i would never again be the "happy little jw" that i'd once been.. well, lemme just say that the "vigor" .
Hi all,
I found this site while researching the pedophilia problems within the organisation. Found "Freeminds" which led me here. I am married to a whole mob of 'em-4th generation to be exact, and I had NO clue what I was getting into when I married a disassociated (10 yrs) JW almost 3 years ago. It's when he decided to reinstate last year that I started looking for answers. His own brother (he is the eldest of 4) molested his children in his previous JW marriage, so that is why I started with "Freeminds".
Since being here, I have been able to maintain my sanity, have a "voice" as jgnat said so well, and see that I must divorce da mob to stay that way. BTW, he STILL is not reinstated after a year!
There is REAL LOVE and SUPPORT here-something I NEVER saw whilst attending the actual meetings with my husband who is actively being shunned...
i was shocked one day when i was talking to a friend of mine who "disassociated" himself from the wt in the mid-80's and was heavy in the "apostate movement".
he told me that he is thinking about going back to the jw's and be "reinstated" but he was not sure if "disassociated" ex-jw's could be reinstated.
i thought he was joking at first because he was one of the people that helped me out of the wt.
Ok, I am living through this with my reinstating JW husband, so I must post. What Jgnat has said is EXACTLY what is going on here with my husband, who DA'd himself for 10yrs. I just asked him if my NOT being a JW (and will never never ever be either) and being an "opposer" would have any bearing on his being reinstated. He says no, but let me tell you how long it's been...OVER A YEAR since he started this process!!! He has been grilled for 3 hours one time, and feigned ignorance when I just asked about requesting a "Reinstatement Hearing". Hmmm...
Yes, they do, and they are treated like sh*t, I have witnessed it myself in some of his meetings. That is one of the main reasons why I will not EVER set foot in another KH!!!
My 2 1/2 yr old GSD...a purebred, spayed, fully trained wonder dog found on http://www.petfinder.com!
sorry if I re-posted by accident...