Posts by jonza
Listening to crisis of conscience as a audio book
by foreverme inhas really made me wonder how i ever got involved with the watchtower.
it basically comes down to me just wanting to believe this delusional belief system.
millions of people wasting their lives in this way is incredible.
Involved with a JW woman
by jonza inokay so i'm dating a born-in jw woman, she's younger than me and has no kids.
i'm a christian man whos divorced with 2 kids.
we're in love and seriously want to be together.
I agree, I want to get her to watch the Hassan video (she's not really a reader). But I will read Crisis of conscience to her. She's open to anything like that.
She has actually said many times she doesn't even want to go to her meetings at all as she really can't stand them. Her immediately family are talking to her still so she really doesn't see the point. But she was close to her cousins and aunts who are all in, so doesn't really know what to do. She admitted her and her Mom has talked together a long time ago about how they both have doubts, but neither would open up. Recently she has even said that she's been saying things to her Mom about what the Bible teaches on certain topics and asking her why it doesn't match up to WT teaching in the hope of waking her up! So she's already trying to help her family. I did I write-up on what the Bible says about shunning etc and she even showed it to her Mom, who read the whole thing.
She has interests in languages, she's fluent in spanish, english and almost in german and started learning arabic. She loves to cook and is learning how to make new things all the time. She's a full time medical assistant and loves biology and helping the sick. She's also quite into science too, we've been watching the guy who made this video: and when we got to this video, it was funny as I was able to point out the cross and the crown etc that's shown and then I opened one of the original WTs to show the same symbols, to which she replied something like: "that shows their where their roots are from then".
I told her a while back that I will never let our kids go to a single JW event and she reluctantly agreed. Though recently she actually said herself, totally out of the blue: "I really don't want our kids to go to anything to do with this religion, for their own sake; it is bad and I don't want them to ever suffer because of it". Fortunately, when she moves here, I live far enough away for her family to have almost no influence over her religion wise or our kids, so I'm hoping for the best.
Involved with a JW woman
by jonza inokay so i'm dating a born-in jw woman, she's younger than me and has no kids.
i'm a christian man whos divorced with 2 kids.
we're in love and seriously want to be together.
So I think this whole DF process has really helped her to wake up. She's been way more honest, and there's been so many things that she's being saying!
She's admitted to having many doubts even before I came along. She said she used to go on 'apostate' websites very often and they scared her because it sounded more like they were telling the truth than her own religion was. She never really bought into the FDS. Also, she said she felt many times they took Jesus out of the picture and replaced Him with Jehovah or themselves. She even admitted wondering if Jesus is really God.
Anyway, regarding how things stand now, we went through together the different signs of being in a cult, and she admitted they are a cult!!
She still wants to get reinstated and then just fade away. She keeps feeling like she doesn't know who to trust now, because she's been lied to her whole life. She also haaaates going to meetings, and she now hears the lies, the disgusting things they say about JAH wiping out all but them, how they have to give alll their money, all the obey crap etc. I think she really has opened her eyes. She says she hates them!
She's even now saying she wants to read the Bible together with me and pray together too!! We have been doing that almost everyday for a week now. Though she is still very sensitive when I bring up how the Bible differs to what the WT teaches. As I think it's been enough and she's done hearing about how they're bad, because she knows it already, but just wants to read the Bible to see what it really says. She also now knows she can have a relationshiop with God without them!
I know this is still a long road, but I think she's made some real progress this past few months. She's still very hurt and depressed about it all, but at least she's not giving up on God.
Australian Government publishes on official web site the current Jehovah's Witnesses "Handling of Child Abuse" confidential letter to all bodies of elders (October 1, 2012)
by jwleaks inthe current jehovah's witnesses official child abuse handling procedure letter to all bodies of elders (october 1, 2012) has been placed into public domain by the australian (victoria) government "inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religious oganisations".. official government web site link to letter:.
short link:.
Something else I found there through a site search:
Involved with a JW woman
by jonza inokay so i'm dating a born-in jw woman, she's younger than me and has no kids.
i'm a christian man whos divorced with 2 kids.
we're in love and seriously want to be together.
So she told her family about us finally. Her JW Mom is actually very supportive and even happy. Her non-JW but studying Dad isn't so happy, but more because he doesn't want her to move far away, and he went and told the elders.
She just had her JC and they DF'd her :( But not for being with me. She was able to proove my divorce was scriptual. But they DF'd her for lying to them. As she kept the relationship a secret. They did their best to make me out to be the scum of the earth to her, which made her very mad (she kept quiet though). But she wouldn't change her mind that she wants to be with me. After that they turned their attention to her lying. She show'd lots of repentance for the lying etc but they didn't care. They did say the DF will likely last no more than a year if she goes to all the meetings.
She's thinking of writing a letter of appeal.. Does anyone know if this has any chance of success? Or is it just a waste of time?
I'll give an update later about the other progress she's been making with regards to waking up, which I believe she is making real progress in.
by ADJUSTMENTS inthis is a song by lauren hill she had family ties to the jw cult, so it is very touching and moving, she even gets choked up in the middle of the song.
i like to share this song with new ones or old ones and those who have heard it before every now and again, it so refreshing and hopefull!
enjoy it!!!.
Thanks for this!
New to The Jehovahs Witness Faith and need some help
by jnjburkett inhello there i am new to the faith and have been studying for about a month.
i am very excited and hungry for the truth and have not missed a meeting or study since the memorial.
we do about 2 bible studies a week.
I suspect you are being genuine, but I implore you to do you research. I am a Christian, but I got involved with a JW woman and wanted to study what they believe myself. I wanted to test what I believe, to see if they really do have the truth.
It was like heading down a rabbit hole. They appear on the front very benign and innocent until you look deeper.
Please see this:
They meet many of the warning signs for being a cult. Remember these signs as you find out more. Ask about who the Faithful and Discreet slave is.. It's 7 men in NY.
Here are some quotes directly from their website that you can read about how you are supposed to obey these men, even if it doesn't seem to make sense: Feb 15th 2009 "Governing Body are FDS"
P17 "The faithful and discreet slave today is represented by the Governing Body, who take the lead and coordinate the Kingdom-preaching work throughout the earth. The members of the Governing Body are experienced, spirit-anointed elders. They in particular can be described as “those who are taking the lead” among us." WT Sept 15th 2010, so the Governing Body is Christ?
P8 "The anointed and their other sheep companions recognize that by following the lead of the modern-day Governing Body, they are in fact following their Leader, Christ." WT July 15th 2011 obey FDS to have Jehovah's approval
P11 "What do you do when the faithful and discreet slave tells you to try a way of preaching that you never tried before? Do you obey even if this way of preaching seems very difficult to you?" WT July 15th 2011
P17 "But we are acting against Jehovah’s purpose if we do not obey the faithful and discreet slave or if we choose to obey only what we think is important." WT Nov 15th 2013 Obey even if it doesn't make sense?
P17 " At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not." -
THE ALTERNATIVE DAILY TEXT by The Witchtower editor
by processor ini have published more than 200 'daily text' comments in german, and will now start translating those into english.
they will be published here:.
While there had still been 8,685 anointed ones in 1988, only 13,204 of them were left in 2013
I lolled.
Have you noticed the common practice is to knock indivual's self esteem?
by stuckinarut2 inin another thread, one of our members made a comment that caught my attention.. i have been trying to put my finger on a practice amongst the org and witnesses in general.... as soon as someone does something well, accomplishes something, or excels at something, the atmosphere effectiveley 'kicks them in the gut' to bring them down.. anything that makes a person grow or develop is blatently discouraged and therefore self esteem is squashed!.
the constant message telling a witness to be 'humble' is designed to suck any sense of growth or 'betterment' out of a person..... therefore this leaves the average witness to be a blubbering mess of insecurity and instability completely dependant on the organization...kind of like a 'battered-wife' scenario.... .
My JW gf's self esteem is incredibly low. She's always putting herself down, calling herself stupid/fat etc. She's actually incredibly intellegent, fluent in two languages and is drop dead gorgeous. I compliment her all the time to help her, which helps but she does feel the world is against her. I am sure this is because of the WT.
Trinitarians! Who is Jesus Christ's father the Holy Spirit or the Father?
by booker-t inthis is one question that trinitarians try to avoid because they have created a very embarrassing problem.
the bible is very clear when the angel tells mary that holy spirit will overshadow her and she will become pregnant.
the angel does not say the father will overshadow her but the holy spirit will and if the holy spirit is a person that would make him the father of jesus.
All of them.