The Father Called God
II Peter 1:17
The Son called God
Rev 1:8
Rev 21:5-7
Rev 22:13-16 Jesus is the Alpha and Omega
Rev 22:7, 12, 20
Rev 22:13 First and Last
Isiah 44:6 First and Last
Rev 1:12-18 V17 First and Last
Exodus 3: 11-14
John 8: 56-58
John 10: 11,14,30 [30 to 33] even they think 30 means he saying he's God
Col 2:9
Phil 2: 5-11
Isiah 45:22-24
John 5:18 then 23 Jesus wants the same honor, 1 John 5:20
Luke 8:38-39
Spirit is called God
Acts 5: 3-4
Acts 13:2
II Cor: 6:16
II Cor 6:19
II Tim 3:16
I Cor 3:16
II Peter 1: 20-21
Trinity in Scripture
Luke 1:35
Mat 3: 16,17
Mat 28: 19
II Cor 13:14
Galatians 4:6 Gods spirit is Jesus' spirit
Trinity at resurrection
1 Thes 1:9-10
John 2: 19-21
Rom 8:11
Acts 17: 30-31
Then we have OT views about it:
Isa 43:10 No God before or after JAH Isa 44:8
No God besides him Isa 45:5 Isiah 44:24, 45:12 Compare Col 1:13-17
1st Peter 2: 7, 8, 9. Who is being talked about here? (Jesus start from V3 for reference), See link in V8 links to: Isa 8:14, same person? See V13
Amos 4:10-11 JAH said I overthrew you like God did
Zac 11:13 JAH 30 pieces of silver
God said us/we: Genesis 3:22, Gen 7:11, Isa 6:8
Jude 4
2 Peter 2:1 who bought you? see Gal 3:13, Rev 5:9
There are many other verses which talk about how there is [one] of [something] and that one is Jesus, and then elsewhere that one is God. Creator being the prime example.
We are never going to understand the very nature of God, trinity is a way people tried to comprehend Gods nature, but it's never going to allow us to fully understand Him.
Like others have said, I was raised in a Christian church being taught the trinity exists, but never really knowing why. I wasn't able to back up anything about why I believed in the trinity at all. It was only this past year or so I started to really look for Biblical evidence of it. To me at least, I'm satisified in how I now understand the concept of the trinity and I believe it's the best thing we have to do so.