JoinedPosts by hardtobeme
2015 10-20-BOE!
by Atlantis in2015, 10/20/boe.. .. re: making wise use of printed magazines.. .. page 2: .
this postscript should neither be read to the congregation nor be posted .
on the information board.. .
That will be a new qualification for Ministerial Servants and Elders. -
Is my friend on the way out of the organisation?
by The Rebel inwhen i left the watchtower i realised it was best to put friendships on hold.
however i mentioned to my best friend that i didn't agree with how they handled child abuse issues and that was one of the reasons i left.. anyway as i am fortunate and own two rental apartments and he is a plumber so we have kept in contact, in that i email him when i require his services and he sends me the invoice.
anyway i am now dissociated, but yesterday i emailed him about a pluming problem, and he replied.. " sorry we missed going to the indian ( this was a comment made about us having a meal together about 9 months ago, which i backed out of because i felt he was too indoctrinated and i had not disassociated myself) anyway his email continued:-.
Have dinner with him -
5 Steps to be a good cop inside the congregation...
by hardtobeme inhow many of you did this steps to keep the congo clean?.
That's what I thought. There is something odd on the last picture. No discipline. That is really strange... -
5 Steps to be a good cop inside the congregation...
by hardtobeme inhow many of you did this steps to keep the congo clean?.
How many of you did this steps to keep the congo clean?
Please tell me I wasn't that diluted to believe he was gonna be a king. -
Stephen Lett will be present at our next assembly.
by StarTrekAngel ina letter was read to the congregation last sunday.
i wasn't paying much attention until i heard stephen lett will be delivering a talk.
at first i thought it would be as a recorded video, as it was in the last assembly.
What a privilege to have a prince,,,no,no,no, a King!!!! -
3 words to describe.....
by punkofnice in..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
Non inspired prophets -
3 words to describe.....
by punkofnice in..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
Tony tight pants -
JW Broadcasting—November 2015
by wifibandit inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i09wzqof4zi.
that is supposed to make people go back?!
Does it cost less to have a "helper" hosting the program??? -
More than 100 years getting "new light". They must be using energizer batteries...