Thanks everyone!
You see, my wife is emotionally unbalanced. She takes medicine for anxiety. When she gets mad, she always tends to harm herself (like biting herself, pulling her hair, hitting herself). Once she tried to commit suicide. We have been to the doctor several times even with a psychologist. She is just under prescription drugs. I try not to worry her about anything. I mostly do all the shores around the house. I cook, I go grocery shopping. Of course, I take her with me the whole time. We spend a lot of time together.
On the car we usually talk about the meetings. I have tried it to think for herself. Like for instance, I asked her last tuesday: "did you notice something about the watchtower study?" She asked me: "what?" I said to her: "in paragraphs 12 by the end it says: " Such a clear and simple comparison has the hallmark of divine teaching". Then asked her: "if this is now the hallmark of divine teaching, who was teaching us before?". She asked me: "Do you have an issue with doctrine then?" I told her: "yes, cause one day they tell us one thing and another day another thing. If the org is truly guided by holy spirit, then the spirit must be playing with us. I don't know what to believe anymore". (I know that the GB is way to wrong in most of the teachings and all practices they do. I don't even read any magazine anymore cause I know it is just all BS, there is nothing honest in there).
Then she told me as usual: "wait on Jehovah, he has done many things for us. Let's just concentrate ourselves in the kids".
Knowing all of this, what other ways can I try to get her into thinking?