Can he continue serve as an elder per WT qualifications?
He has been an elder for only one year and besides that, he is illegally in the country.
this is what is happening in a spanish congregation in our area.
this happened 3 weeks ago.
this brother conducted the school and after the school was over, another elder gave the announcement: "( name of the person) is not longer a jehovah's witness".
Can he continue serve as an elder per WT qualifications?
He has been an elder for only one year and besides that, he is illegally in the country.
this is what is happening in a spanish congregation in our area.
this happened 3 weeks ago.
this brother conducted the school and after the school was over, another elder gave the announcement: "( name of the person) is not longer a jehovah's witness".
this is what is happening in a spanish congregation in our area.
this happened 3 weeks ago.
this brother conducted the school and after the school was over, another elder gave the announcement: "( name of the person) is not longer a jehovah's witness".
This is what is happening in a Spanish congregation in our area. This happened 3 weeks ago. This brother conducted the school and after the school was over, another elder gave the announcement: "( name of the person) is not longer a Jehovah's Witness". Everyone was silent about it. After the meeting was over, everyone came to his wife to give the "condolences". She seemed devastated. One thing that I noticed was that no one came to him, it looks like no one likes him. He is just another elder butt kisser.
Two Sundays after that, he presided the Sunday meeting. I was able to see in the brothers faces that they were not happy about it. This brother is acting like nothing is going on. His daughter is under age and she told her friends in the congregation and outside the congregation what she did. For almost a year she was having sex with a guy from another congregation. Besides that, she was escaping from home during the night to see other guys. Even during an anniversary party her parents had, some brothers saw her making out on the street in the dark with a guy. And she told her friends that she was going to wait till she was 18 to tell the elders about it.
What do you guys think about it? Is it possible that this brother continues to serve as an elder? If not, are there articles from the WT to debunk this brother? Currently, there are 5 elders in the congregation.
latest boe letter:.
october 22, 2015. to all bodies of eldersre: use of jw stream.
dear brothers:we are writing to inform you that arrangements are being made for video recordings ofcongregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and conventions to be uploaded to jw stream (accessibleat in various languages.
Soon those videos will be all around the internet. I love "Apostate" (People who think logically and are not diluted by watchtower doctrines) web sites!!!
question: will husband and wife live together after the resurrection is completed, if both are in harmony with god?.
answer: the scriptures do not reveal what the relationship of men and women will be after the resurrection is completed.
the most that we know is that there will be no children born during the last 100 years of the millennium (isa.
2015, 10/20/boe.. .. re: making wise use of printed magazines.. .. page 2: .
this postscript should neither be read to the congregation nor be posted .
on the information board.. .
when i left the watchtower i realised it was best to put friendships on hold.
however i mentioned to my best friend that i didn't agree with how they handled child abuse issues and that was one of the reasons i left.. anyway as i am fortunate and own two rental apartments and he is a plumber so we have kept in contact, in that i email him when i require his services and he sends me the invoice.
anyway i am now dissociated, but yesterday i emailed him about a pluming problem, and he replied.. " sorry we missed going to the indian ( this was a comment made about us having a meal together about 9 months ago, which i backed out of because i felt he was too indoctrinated and i had not disassociated myself) anyway his email continued:-.
how many of you did this steps to keep the congo clean?.
how many of you did this steps to keep the congo clean?.
How many of you did this steps to keep the congo clean?