smiddy: My excuse is old age
isn't that like, you know, ageist?
A casual ageism that perpetuates the stereotype of older people
every time i've asked this in an existing thread, i've never gotten an answer, so forgive me for starting a new thread in order to ask again.
i simply cannot figure out how to quote someone with the standard yellow box.
i can copy/paste the quote, sure, but nothing i do makes it appear in a yellow box like everyone else.
smiddy: My excuse is old age
isn't that like, you know, ageist?
A casual ageism that perpetuates the stereotype of older people
my doctor in his 60's so i hope he's ok.....forty-two percent of u.s physicians are older than 55, and 21% are senior citizens.
some older doctors are calling for periodic screening for dementia or loss of competence.
so are older doctors really worse than their young colleagues, on average they are, (holy sh--t).surgeons between the ages of 41-60 were more likely to keep their patient alive than were surgeons older than 60.....
My new doctor, 30 year old female..
my doctor in his 60's so i hope he's ok.....forty-two percent of u.s physicians are older than 55, and 21% are senior citizens.
some older doctors are calling for periodic screening for dementia or loss of competence.
so are older doctors really worse than their young colleagues, on average they are, (holy sh--t).surgeons between the ages of 41-60 were more likely to keep their patient alive than were surgeons older than 60.....
Isn't that, like, ageist?
Apparently, there's also....
The Atlantic, 19 December 2016
Evidence of the Superiority of Female Doctors
New research estimates that if all physicians were female, 32,000 fewer Americans would die every year.
sarah knapton, science editor .
17 may 2017 • 6:00pmblood donors may no longer be needed in the future after scientists showed it was possible to create blood from stem cells.. the 20 year project could pave the way for an unlimited number of blood and immune cells for transplants, simply by reprogramming a patient’s own skin cells.. the research, reported in the journal nature, holds out enormous promise for developing personalised treatments for blood disorders, drug-screening and reducing shortages of donated blood.. dr ryohichi sugimura, of boston children's hospital, said: "this gives us the potential to have a limitless supply of blood stem cells and blood by taking cells from universal donors.
FYI The Daily Telegraph's article appears to be based on the following three articles in the magazine Nature which describes itself as the "international weekly journal of science."
Lab-grown blood stem cells produced at last
Two research teams cook up recipe to make long-sought cells in mice and people.
Haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells from human pluripotent stem cells
Conversion of adult endothelium to immunocompetent haematopoietic stem cells
jw believe that jworg is the best website and most translated in the world.. i heard this today in streetservice.
there was already a thread about this subject.
anybody can link it?.
Ah right, cool - you where using the question because, of course, a single website coud handle 1.2 billlion visitors without crashing. np
jw believe that jworg is the best website and most translated in the world.. i heard this today in streetservice.
there was already a thread about this subject.
anybody can link it?.
That's cool
it was simply your 'throwaway' comment:
Could one website handle the traffic of 1.2 billion plus people?
Which I understood to be a rhetorical-style question referencing the apparent lack of technology to handle this large number - vis-a-vis a website such as youtube that does actually handle 20 or so billion visitors with video files.
I like to cross the t's and dot the i's
i have no confirmation of this .
but it would be for this type of offense.
TTaTT4U may be referring to this? But then again, if this was it, I'm sure they'd have provided a link themselves?
jw believe that jworg is the best website and most translated in the world.. i heard this today in streetservice.
there was already a thread about this subject.
anybody can link it?.
David_Jay wrote
Another example of people who are ready to argue but not ready to read your comments and realize that they just agreed with you.
Another example of people who use a straw-man argument when they read your comments and realize that they were wrong.
I was purely making the factual comment that a website could handle 1.2 billion visits - therefore if the Catholic Church or Youtube or whoever wanted a website to cater for 1.2 billion people it is possible - there was no comment regarding the need or requirement or anything else - purely that it is technically possible.
Therefore the reason why the Catholic Church does not have 'one' website is NOT because of an issue with the technology - it is for another reason - but do NOT blame the lack of technology as being the reason!
I had already written:
Could one website handle the traffic of 1.2 billion plus people?
I believe youtube gets 20.5 billion visits-per-month - videos are not exactly 'light-weight' traffic
So, yes, it is likely that one website could handle the traffic of 1.2 billion plus people.
due to last years success, i will post everything related to the 2017 regional convention in this thread.. to start us off.... thanks to exjw reddit user ich3b we have advance notice of the theme (this is not a joke!).
the theme for the 2017 regional convention is: "don’t give up!” .
as always, if you have access to confidential materials you would like to leak but need to protect your identity, pm me or email me: wifibandit1 (at) gmail.
Thursday 18 May 2017
Jehovah Delivers His People: The Bible account at Exodus chapters 3 to 15 gives proof that the God who parted the Red Sea will rescue you too if you exercise faith with endurance.
MP4 (720):
Lessons You Can Learn From the Bible: This publication will take you on a journey through time, from the Bible account of creation, to the birth and ministry of Jesus, and on to the Kingdom to come.
Remember the Wife of Lot: The warning Jesus gave nearly 2,000 years ago is more important than ever. See how Brian and Gloria learn to protect their family from the dangers Jesus warned about.
Part 1: The Pressure to Succeed
MP4 (720):
Part 2: The Meaning of Compromise
MP4 (720):
Part 3: Remember Who You Serve
MP4 (720):
thursday 18 may 2017 onejehovah delivers his people: the bible account at exodus chapters 3 to 15 gives proof that the god who parted the red sea will rescue you too if you exercise faith with endurance. (720): twolessons you can learn from the bible: this publication will take you on a journey through time, from the bible account of creation, to the birth and ministry of jesus, and on to the kingdom to come. threeremember the wife of lot: the warning jesus gave nearly 2,000 years ago is more important than ever.
see how brian and gloria learn to protect their family from the dangers jesus warned about.
part 1: the pressure to succeed (720):
Thursday 18 May 2017
Jehovah Delivers His People: The Bible account at Exodus chapters 3 to 15 gives proof that the God who parted the Red Sea will rescue you too if you exercise faith with endurance.
MP4 (720):
Lessons You Can Learn From the Bible: This publication will take you on a journey through time, from the Bible account of creation, to the birth and ministry of Jesus, and on to the Kingdom to come.
Remember the Wife of Lot: The warning Jesus gave nearly 2,000 years ago is more important than ever. See how Brian and Gloria learn to protect their family from the dangers Jesus warned about.
Part 1: The Pressure to Succeed
MP4 (720):
Part 2: The Meaning of Compromise
MP4 (720):
Part 3: Remember Who You Serve
MP4 (720):