Please, in case nobody has realised..... the OP's forum name is meant to be IRONIC - that's the whole point!
Hence the JOKE of 'The Searchers' opening post!!...... It's meant to be a SPOOF
The articles in the Watchtower 15 July 2013 magazine that 'The Searcher' refers to are basically reviewing JW doctrine changes over the years - they DID NOT ALL CHANGE in July 2013.
BUT 'The Searcher' says that the changes all took place IN July 2013 - that's the JOKE!
Of course, 'The Searcher' is clever - see how Point 7 was slipped in:
7. There is an 'evil slave class'. (box on Page 24)
Watchtower 15 July 2013, page 24 box actually says:
Was Jesus foretelling that there would be an evil slave class in the last days? No. Granted, some individuals have manifested a spirit similar to that of the evil slave described by Jesus. We would call them apostates, whether they were of the anointed or of the “great crowd.” (Rev. 7:9) But such ones do not make up an evil slave class. Jesus did not say that he would appoint an evil slave. His words here are actually a warning directed to the faithful and discreet slave.
Do not underestimate 'The Searcher's' postmodern irony
( for example see: )