My impression is that Temple Farm will be a distribution and storage
warehouse and admin centre for the British "field" , nothing more.
FWIW I understood that all the UK individual congregation's literature orders are now already being packaged up in Germany - therefore no need for warehouse storage in Britain (though I'd expect the Britain Bethel to hold a small stock of things like Bible Teach books for 'emergency' orders)
This was the letter from last year -
BoE Letter June 10, 2016 - Re: Transfer of Shipping Activities From Britain Branch to Central Europe Branch
are writing to inform you that the shipping activities presently done
at the Britain branch will soon be transferred to the Central Europe
branch, located in Germany. This transfer is currently underway, and
will be completed by the end of September 2016.
What effect will it have on the congregations here in Britain? Public and study edition magazines in English will continue to be packed at the Britain branch for the congregations
in Britain and Ireland when the quantity justifies it (above 50 copies
for the study edition and above 100 copies for the public editions). However,
foreign-language magazines, meeting workbooks and literature will be
packed in the Central Europe branch once the transfer takes place.
On a side issue:
I think John Davis speaks for only one section of the community when he "disses" print media.
As a print newspaper reader myself, I thought the following recent (Jan 2017) study was interesting:
Re-assessing multi-platform performance and market share using ‘time-spent’
results show that, of the time spent with 11 UK national newspaper
brands by their British audiences, 88.5 per cent still comes via their
print editions, 7.49 per cent via mobiles, and just 4 per cent via PCs.
There is also this from Deloitte
UK News Media: an engine of original news content and democracy
A study on the economic contribution of the UK news media industry
December 2016