admitting that the pioneers generally do very limited ministry with non-pioneers?
and an indication of how bad (and shallow) most rank-and-file publishers actually are in the ministry?
and yes - echos of the old 'Pioneer Assist Others' thingy ....
Pioneers Assist Others
1 Jesus said: “The harvest, indeed, is great, but the workers are few. Therefore beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.” Since the first-century harvesters were few in number and they had much territory to cover, Jesus could have directed them to reach as many as possible with the good news by sending them out singly. Instead, he “sent them forth by twos.” (Luke 10:1, 2) Why by twos?
2 Those disciples were new and inexperienced. By working together they could learn from and encourage one another. As Solomon put it, “two are better than one.” (Eccl. 4:9, 10) Even after holy spirit was poured out at Pentecost 33 C.E., Paul, Barnabas, and others accompanied fellow believers in the ministry. (Acts 15:35) What a privilege it must have been for some to be trained personally by such capable men!
3 A Fine Training Program: Like its first-century counterpart, the modern Christian congregation is a preaching organization. It also provides us with training. As individuals, our heartfelt desire should be to present the good news as effectively as possible. So that more publishers can improve in their effectiveness, assistance is available.
4 At the Kingdom Ministry School held recently, the Society announced a program for pioneers to assist others in the field ministry. Is there a need for this? Yes, there is. Over one million publishers have been baptized in the past three years, and many of these need training to become more effective in the preaching work. Who can be used to fill that need?
5 Full-time pioneers can help. Jehovah’s organization provides them with much counsel and training. Pioneers receive instruction tailored to their needs in the two-week Pioneer Service School. They also benefit from meetings with the circuit and district overseers, as well as from guidance by the elders. Although not all pioneers are as experienced as Paul and Barnabas were, they have received valuable training, which they are happy to share.
6 Who Will Benefit? Is participation in this program restricted to new publishers or to newly baptized ones? By no means! There are younger ones and older ones who have known the truth for years but would appreciate help in certain features of the ministry. Some do excellent work in placing literature but have difficulty in making return visits or in starting Bible studies. Others may start Bible studies with ease but observe that their students do not progress. What is holding them back? Experienced pioneers may be requested to offer help in these areas. Certain pioneers are effective in cultivating interest, starting Bible studies, and directing new students to the organization. Their experience will be helpful in this new program.
7 Do you find that your schedule does not allow you to support the congregation’s regular meetings for field service as much as you would like? A pioneer may be able to work with you at times when other publishers are not available.
8 Good Cooperation Is Needed: Twice a year, the elders will make arrangements for publishers who are desirous of personal assistance to participate in the Pioneers Assist Others program. If you agree to receive such assistance, get together with the pioneer publisher assigned to help you, work out a practical schedule for service, and stick to it. Keep each appointment. As you work together, observe effective ways of presenting the good news. Analyze why certain approaches are effective. Consider suggestions the pioneer publisher may offer for improving your presentation. As you apply the things learned, your progress in the ministry will become evident, both to you and to others. (See 1 Timothy 4:15.) Work together as often as possible, sharing in all features of the ministry, including informal witnessing but focusing on any particular area in which you need personal assistance.
9 The service overseer is interested in the progress that will be made. Periodically, he will check with the Congregation Book Study conductor to see how you are benefiting from the program. The circuit overseer will likewise help you when he visits the congregation.
10 Jehovah wants his people to be trained and “equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim. 3:17) View the Pioneers Assist Others arrangement as a fine provision to help those who desire to improve their ability to preach the word. If it is your privilege to share in it, do so with gratitude, humility, and joy.