Hey The Fall Guy - you seem quite the searcher, what with all those WT references, key words bolded and use of italics.
JoinedPosts by darkspilver
The "slave's" dogma depicts Satan as being more powerful than Jehovah!
by The Fall Guy inaccording to the org's "guardians of doctrine," (g.o.d.
's) the figurative woman who's mentioned in revelation chapter 12 is none other than god almighty's heavenly organization - with its myriads upon myriads of powerful spirit creatures.. it-2 p. 187 - "it would follow that the “woman” is god’s “wife,” the “jerusalem above,” the “mother” of christ and his spiritual brothers.
" jv chap.
BBC News "The ex-Jehovah's Witnesses shunned by their families"
by snare&racket inbbc news website has this linked on front page.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40704990.
jookbeard: very disjointed didn't come across well at all.
It was kinda bland, and all very 'so-what-ish' - which doesn't really work on TV
At that time of the day, the TV programme is up against 'Judge Judy' with parent's suing their kids etc and 'Jeremy Kyle' with families fighting each other. And then there's Victoria Derbyshire...
Victoria Derbyshire also seemed unsure what questions to actually ask to - trying her best to make it into an 'i-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-i-n-g' story before viewers either turned over, or went to make a cup of tea.
It was kinda weird too - the lady interviewee was shown in silhouette, and the guy had only his back shown with an actor doing a voice-over for his comments. Agan, a bit 'so-what-ish-weird'
And Terri - who can be very good in the right enviroment - sadly just looked like an out-of-place gooseberry, particularly as she was sitting opposite the two main interviewees, and next to Victoria.
Huge article(s) in Dutch media on JW child abuse
by Anders Andersen inso today the well-respected and serious newspaper trouw.nl came with child abuse within the jw as their topmost frontpage article.. the articles are well researched and aim primarily at the dutch jw situation.. afaik at least on member of this forum assisted the newspaper with the articles.
other media are picking up as well.....
redpilltwice: Here they are Anders, three physical copies at my table for the personal archives!
Try this
(fifth post down the thread)
Man answers the door naked when JW's appear..
by James Mixon inhttp;www.worlstarhipop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhmg115hx2qp8inyuo.went too far, man answers the door naked when jw's appear..https//www.youtube.com/watch?v=akj2w94el_a...oh hell search, went to far, man answers the door naked when jw's appear, a young black male......it was e-mail to me and i'am using the same address but not working for me,hopefully you will find it.
a young jw child was present, not good.......
Man answers the door naked when JW's appear
Not even waiting for them to come to the door now....
Meeting attendance for elders
by dkztcequ inwhat is the minimum meeting attendace for someone, who is of good health, has not children doesn't work in a job that requires travel and lives about 3 miles from the kh?
is 50% for clam and 75% for watchtower acceptable?.
dkztcequ: @darkspilver - I am sorry. I did not know that it was that time of the month for you.
That is totally sexist
I mean, absolutely, totally sexist.
The old "Book Study Group"
by The Fall Guy inin the june 2004 kingdom ministry, the self-appointed "faithful slave" published this spiritual exhortation as a q&a item - "the congregation book study—why we need it.
three years later, in 2007 - in the august kingdom ministry - the same "slave" issued this reminder - "how the congregation book study arrangement helps us.
but surprise, surprise - within a few short months the "slave" decided that jehovah had had a change of heart, and now decided that the book study in homes - with all of its alleged benefits - was superfluous: .
Even just the text in the following link gives another clue
Meeting attendance for elders
by dkztcequ inwhat is the minimum meeting attendace for someone, who is of good health, has not children doesn't work in a job that requires travel and lives about 3 miles from the kh?
is 50% for clam and 75% for watchtower acceptable?.
Londo111: I was never an elder, only made it to ministerial servant, but even ministerial servant have to go above and beyond the average publisher, an elders beyond that.
That's an interesting obs.... but IMHO the congregation is much more likely to notice if a MS is missing a lot of meeting RATHER than an elder
The MSs basically run the meeting...
MS opens up Hall
MS opens up literature desk
MS sets up sound desk / video (no sound = no meeting!)
MSs are attendants manning the entrance foyer
MS does contribution boxes (lock / unlock / count)
MS does the platform microphone adjustment
MS organises roving mikes
Need territory? It's a MS you need to see
Meeting attendance count (and note made of it) - that's a MS you need
Carts need re-filling? That's a MS you need
Magazines need re-stocking? That's a MS you need
On Sundays MS is responsible for PT speaker turning up and organising chairman
Get the idea? - nobody really misses the elders - but they soon miss the MSs!
The MSs basically run the meetings - elders just give a platform item/talk here and there.
Sunday meeting - just needs ONE local elder (for the Watchtower)
Clam midweek meeting - just needs TWO local elders (for Chairman and Conductor for Bible Study at end)
Meeting attendance for elders
by dkztcequ inwhat is the minimum meeting attendace for someone, who is of good health, has not children doesn't work in a job that requires travel and lives about 3 miles from the kh?
is 50% for clam and 75% for watchtower acceptable?.
TBH, it was a very poor OP in terms of explanation - but not that surprising considering the poster's one and only (so far) other post, oh, and their apparently random made up user name.
The letter is primarily dealing with the field ministry, partly as that is the only thing 'officially' recorded - in unforgiving black and white - for all eternity on the publisher cards for all future other elders and CO's to view.
Therefore the 'importance' of the letter dealing with field ministry.
Meeting attendance is NOT recorded in the same way, at least not individually identifiably - but the letter stills highlights that elder's activity in other congregation activities (this would cover such things as meeting attendance, shepherding, elder's meetings etc etc) may be effected - and that other brothers can fill in for them.
Their caring for this important work may affect their field service activity as well as their share in other congregation activities. Elders in their congregation can show appreciation for brothers caring for other organizational needs by filling in for them locally when they must be away.
Meeting attendance for elders
by dkztcequ inwhat is the minimum meeting attendace for someone, who is of good health, has not children doesn't work in a job that requires travel and lives about 3 miles from the kh?
is 50% for clam and 75% for watchtower acceptable?.
Sanchy: 100%. Period.
Read the 17 March 2013. Period.