Londo111: I was never an elder, only made it to ministerial servant, but even
ministerial servant have to go above and beyond the average publisher,
an elders beyond that.
That's an interesting obs.... but IMHO the congregation is much more likely to notice if a MS is missing a lot of meeting RATHER than an elder
The MSs basically run the meeting...
MS opens up Hall
MS opens up literature desk
MS sets up sound desk / video (no sound = no meeting!)
MSs are attendants manning the entrance foyer
MS does contribution boxes (lock / unlock / count)
MS does the platform microphone adjustment
MS organises roving mikes
Need territory? It's a MS you need to see
Meeting attendance count (and note made of it) - that's a MS you need
Carts need re-filling? That's a MS you need
Magazines need re-stocking? That's a MS you need
On Sundays MS is responsible for PT speaker turning up and organising chairman
Get the idea? - nobody really misses the elders - but they soon miss the MSs!
The MSs basically run the meetings - elders just give a platform item/talk here and there.
Sunday meeting - just needs ONE local elder (for the Watchtower)
Clam midweek meeting - just needs TWO local elders (for Chairman and Conductor for Bible Study at end)