jookbeard: very disjointed didn't come across well at all.
It was kinda bland, and all very 'so-what-ish' - which doesn't really work on TV
At that time of the day, the TV programme is up against 'Judge Judy' with parent's suing their kids etc and 'Jeremy Kyle' with families fighting each other. And then there's Victoria Derbyshire...
Victoria Derbyshire also seemed unsure what questions to actually ask to - trying her best to make it into an 'i-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-i-n-g' story before viewers either turned over, or went to make a cup of tea.
It was kinda weird too - the lady interviewee was shown in silhouette, and the guy had only his back shown with an actor doing a voice-over for his comments. Agan, a bit 'so-what-ish-weird'
And Terri - who can be very good in the right enviroment - sadly just looked like an out-of-place gooseberry, particularly as she was sitting opposite the two main interviewees, and next to Victoria.