I didnt crop anything. The picture i used is here
Yeah, but the picture has still been cropped
Check out:
I didnt crop anything. The picture i used is here
Yeah, but the picture has still been cropped
Check out:
I've thought this for a long time.
interesting picture cropping you've done their...
Not mysogyny, the mom turned into a pillar of salt.
I believe she is revered as a "a revolutionary immortal" and "an anti-Japanese war hero".... and it seems that the OP is from Japan?...
misogyny? - though it looks like it was YOU who cut out his wife from the picture....
so today the well-respected and serious newspaper trouw.nl came with child abuse within the jw as their topmost frontpage article.. the articles are well researched and aim primarily at the dutch jw situation.. afaik at least on member of this forum assisted the newspaper with the articles.
other media are picking up as well.....
UPDATE: Looks like Trouw has published a follow-up article by Nico de Fijter, Trouw's Head of Religion and Philosophy
He reports on attending the 2017 Convention and reviews the talk: "Safeguard Your Children From 'What Is Evil'"
Trouw, 6 August 2017
The moral standards of Jehovah's Witnesses
these are 2015 figures.
overall christians 2.3 billion.
roman catholics 1.2 billion.
These are 2015 figures
Overall Christians 2.3 Billion
Roman Catholics 1.2 Billion
Muslims 1.8 Billion
Hindus 1.1 Billion
Jews (total) 14.4 Million
Jews (religious) 9.5 Million
Jews Total (http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-population-of-the-world)
13,428,300 in 2010
7.3% increase
14,410,700 in 2016
Jehovah's Witnesses Average Active (Yearbooks)
7,224,930 in 2010
12.5% increase
8,132,358 in 2016
hat tip to slimboyfat: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5736980233060352/_post/5184193782874112
update: jehovah's witness jailed for five years for indecently assaulting young girls.
barry furlong.
first published monday 22 december 2014 in news last updated 10:41 monday 22 december 2014 by will frampton.
wannaexit: Five years is not long enough.
It's being reported that he's been released?
(December 2014 - August 2017)
looking for anyone who was a regular at this congregation back in the 70's and 80's; my father just passed away and these were golden years for me (inextricable from my youth) despite any ill-feeling or resentment i may hold towards the faith at this point in my life (my father remained a witness until his death a few days ago).. thanks in advance.
as the newly expanded convention hall in swifterbant is now in use, the only other jw convention hall in the netherlands is now for sale.. https://congreshal.nl/english/ (congreshal means convention center).. note the links to the brooklyn and ibsa garage sales at the bottom of the page..
a pimo friend (physically in mentally out) has just informed me that the cult has decided that they want to suppress all old jw org information by removing bound volumes etc from kh libraries.. in reality, all through their history they have claimed divine "new light" as a means of changing uncomfortable doctrines.
this however would mean that new jws, or more likely these days young jws, will be prevented from seeing the old light which had been held up as divinely inspired truth in the past.. truth which would get you through big a and which if you didn't agree with would get you disfellowshipped.. anyone else heard of this?
what might be the reasons (if true) for removing the old wts?.
Anony Mous: @darkspilver - space isn't free. It may be cheaper to buy a computer and printer than an ever expanding amount of shelf space.
True, but the 'as is' option in existing KHs is still the simplest, including managing it.
'Ever expanding' ?!?!?! haha! good joke!
Really, it's not like the WT nowadays are actually printing much new stuff anyway?!?
A couple of inches-a-year at most??
Annual bound volume is one inch thick, plus the annual yearbook, publication index and workbooks, plus the odd new book every couple of years - that must average out to two-inches of shelf space-a-year?
One elder once told me that what was written as a suggestion in these letters should be taken as a directive, and I quote "Jehovah does not have grey areas".
Yes I've heard that - but re-read paragraph 47:
The bodies of elders should determine whether the library will provide publications in printed form, electronic form, or both. Since many publishers and interested persons may neither use computers nor have electronic devices, the elders should give careful consideration to the needs of such individuals when making decisions as to the Kingdom Hall library, especially before deciding to eliminate printed publications.