Another thread/topic?
But, yes - the issue of domestic violence is extremely important, and should be discussed.
Some may also be interested in a little background information regarding ABC reporter's - Julia Baird and Hayley Gleeson - investigation into this serious subject:
Facts go missing in ABC report on ‘violent Christians’ (W. Bradford Wilcox)
The ABC report by Julia Baird and Hayley Gleeson on religion and domestic violence has come under heavy fire, and for good reason. It is illogical, unfair and quite possibly inaccurate.
ABC ignored church’s ‘positive story
Sydney diocese Archdeacon for Women Kara Hartley was interviewed for more than an hour by ABC journalist Julia Baird for the report on 7:30 that aired on Wednesday night, but none of her comments were aired.
Archdeacon Hartley’s remarks came as the Catholic Archbishop of Brisbane, Mark Coleridge, revealed he had, on request, provided the ABC with extensive comments for a related online essay by Baird and co-author Hayley Gleeson. But not only did Baird and Gleeson not publish any of his remarks, they falsely reported he had not responded.
Only after the diocese made an official complaint to the ABC did it amend the article yesterday.
Interesting also to see how ABC's very own Media Watch reported on this:
Above link includes video of the segment - below, watch from the 7.00 minute mark: